Periscope ichoosejoynow

Welcome to my Periscope Landing Page!

I will link up all my Periscope “stuff” here–so you can find more information about things we talk about.

What is Periscope?

Periscope is a new social media platform where a person does a live broadcast.  Those watching (through the Periscope app on iPhone or Android phone) can comment.  I’ve been enjoying two main groups of Periscopers: #homeschoolscopes and #mommyscopes.  Both of those have Facebook groups if you’d like to join there and find neat ladies to follow and learn about their scopes.  Find me on Periscope by searching Gena Mayo or ichoosejoynow.  By the way, it’s connected with Twitter, so you’ll need a Twitter account first.

Get my friend Kristi Clover’s book The Scoop on Scope: Periscope Pointers for Bloggers, Beginners and Beyond to learn all you need to learn about Periscope! You can find her there @RaisingClovers.

Watch all my Scopes at Katch.Me.

Go to my page to see all my broadcasts.

If you have any questions:

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  • 7/19/2015  My introduction in the #homeschoolhop with #homeschoolscopes.  I mentioned that I am a classical homeschooler, influenced greatly by the Bluedorns who wrote Teaching the Trivium. Find their book on Amazon here:

And here is a post about their article “Ten Things to do Before Age 10” that I follow with my grammar students (elementary aged).

Pinterest 21 Lessons American Music Appreciation awesome

Almay Cosmetics #SimplyAmerican collage

Magformers Review