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5 Things We Bring on Road Trips

5 Things We Bring on Road Trips

Every summer my family takes a big road trip. Here are 5 Things We Bring on Road Trips. See below to enter the Summer Blessing Giveaway: $230 Paypal Cash!

 The Most Scenic Drives in America: 120 Spectacular Road Trips

I love to bring this book on every road trip. No matter which direction we go, we try to do at least of the of the scenic drives that are suggested.

Blankets- We try to keep it cool in the van, and at least one of the kids get really cold. So, we have a few blankets so they can cover up.

Pillows- Some of our drives can be very long. Pillows make it more comfortable to sleep, or to do something like draw or read on your lap.

Audio Books- We have listened to lots through the years. We love series like Jonathan Park Radio Dramas and Adventures in Odyssey, such as The Ultimate Road Trip: Family Vacation Collection. This year we downloaded some audio books from Audible (get an Audible Free Trial, like Misty of Chincoteague.

Kids’ backpacks of stuff to do- Each kid gets to bring a backpack of their favorite things to do to pass the time. It might be toys, art supplies, or books to read!

What are your essentials for summer road trips?



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  1. My favorite summertime activity is spending time with my family outside–swimming, hiking, picnicing, etc.

  2. Camping is my favorite summer activity! Lots of family time. 🙂

  3. Cristy S. says:

    Favorite summer activity? SWIMMING!

  4. Heather S says:

    I love camping at the beach 🙂

  5. We are planning our family vacation so I appreciate your list! 🙂

    Thanks for joining the summer blessing. <3

  6. I enjoy summer BBQ’s poolside during the summer!

  7. spending time as a family


  9. I love doing things outside with my kids.

  10. My favorite activity is swimming

  11. Cathy French says:

    I haven’t done it in years, but my favorite summer activity is swimming.

  12. My favorite is camping! I love the vacation also!

  13. My favorite summer activity is hiking with my family. Thanks for sharing these great tips!

  14. Jackie Schlageter says:

    My favorite thing to do in the summer is to find someplace to keep cool and by myself for a time to read. That has always what I did during the summer

  15. Katrina Morgan says:

    My favorite summertime past time is serving with our church’s VBS programs each year. We also love going to the pool as well as the library.

  16. Heather Hayes Panjon says:

    My Favorite Summer Activity Is Camping!

  17. sheila ressel says:

    My favorite summer activity is boating.

  18. Taking the family and our dogs hiking.

  19. Camping at the lake is my favorite thing to do in the summertime! Great making memories with the entire family!

  20. Tracie Cooper says:

    My favorite summer activity is trips to the local water park!

  21. Holly Thomas says:

    I love to go to the beach.

  22. Love spending time with my toddler at the beach during the summer

  23. Tracey M. says:

    We bring music CD’s, audio story CD’s, pillows, blanket, snacks, lots of books, Kindle, and printable travel games.

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