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10 Reasons To FALL IN LOVE WITH JESUS: Reason #5 (Nancy Rue Guest Post)

Fall In Love With Jesus Blog Campaign

Feb 11-20
Reason #5:

Today I’m happy to have Nancy Rue here to talk to mothers of tween girls about falling in love with Jesus! **There’s a giveaway at the bottom of the post, so keep reading!


Hel-l-o-o-o Mothers of Mini-Women! Welcome to our fifth post on this Valentine’s Week Campaign – and thanks to Gena of I Choose Joy! for letting me join you all. Can’t tell you how much I appreciate ALL of you moms who are reading this. The eye-rolling and “Mo-om!” notwithstanding, you are still the most important influence in your tween daughter’s life. I hope you’ll share this with her:
For the mini-women:
Like most M-W’s, you’re probably way aware that the Valentine’s Day season is here, and you probably either love the cards, the candy, the frills – or you can’t wait for the thing to be over because it makes you so painfully aware of who DOESN’T like you! One being DOES like you. He loves you, in fact. He’s just waiting for YOU to fall in love with HIM. Why would you? In ten different posts, each one giving you a peek at a feature from the FaithGirlz Bible, we’re giving you a Reason To Fall In Love With JESUS. Here’s the fifth one.
Reason #5: Because Jesus knows exactly how you feel, all the time. Other people, especially moms and dads, may tell you they do, but sometimes they just don’t. No other person can really get into your heart and get right where you’re coming from ALL the time. Jesus can. You can count on it.
Nancy Rue

Oh_I_Get_It Reason #5

Thanks, Nancy!  Please share this with your daughters, Moms!
Interested in reading more from Nancy? Please be sure to connect with her in any of these places:
Blog for Tween Girls: “’Tween You & Me”
Blog for Teen Girls: “In Real Life”
Blog for the adults: “The Nudge”
Teen Facebook page:
Adult Facebook page:
YouTube: FaithGirlz Channel
E-mail: [email protected]


Now for the contest!faithgirlz leather white flower  There will be 5 Leather-Bound NIV FaithGirlz Bibles (revised edition) given away to tweens and 2 to adults. Join in with the Rafflecopter app below. The contest is through Nancy Rue (not I Choose Joy!), but you can join it here!  There are A LOT of ways to for someone to enter. This is because we have girls and moms who don’t use Facebook and want to make it as equal an opportunity as possible. 🙂

(Click through to if you don’t see the giveaway app.)

 Moms, Let me know with a comment below if you shared this with your daughters!  –Gena


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One Comment

  1. This looks great. My daughter would love it

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