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2013 Goals and Resolutions: Do Hard Things

Do Hard Things!

It’s my “word” of the year.  🙂  I haven’t read the book Do Hard Things yet, but heard the young men speak about it on the radio.  It’s a goal for all of us to follow–to live our lives for Christ and graciously do the hard things He has called us to.


Here are my goals and resolutions for this year.  I have to be honest and tell you that I’ve already changed my mind about some of them since last week!

wedding announcement 002


1.  My big goal for this year is to get back to my “wedding” weight.  It’s been a few years, but I’m ready to make it happen.  I need to lose 19 pounds, 2 sizes.

One way I hope to accomplish this is by joining the T-Tapp 60 Day Challenge, which starts on January 20.  I’m going to do a 4-day Boot Camp of Basic Workout Plus (started it yesterday) and then do that workout or Step Away the Inches at least every other day.  On the off days, I’ll do Hoe-Downs and OIP/HF (those exercises are found on the DVD included with Fit and Fabulous book.)

After the Challenge is over I’ll learn the T-Tapp Total Workout and Ladybug Workout, which I’ve had for a while but have never tried.  I plan to eat less fast food, desserts, and doughnuts and eat more salads, fruit, and veggies as well as drink 75 ounces of water daily.

If you want to join me in the 60-Day Challenge,–see it listed in the 2nd column on the T-Tapp website– there is still time to order a DVD or book.   Also, next Tuesday will be Deep Discount Tuesday–I don’t know what the special will be, but I’ll let you know as soon as I find out!  And if you don’t know what T-Tapp is, check out What Is T-Tapp!


2.  Stay more on top of the Cleaning and Organizing of my house, using the Motivated Moms Planner.  I’ve already been using it for a week and have really liked the easy way it tells me what to do each day!  I also want to look at my Pinterest Boards to get some more great ideas!  I absolutely love this post over at Confessions of a Homeschooler and would like to try to set up our upstairs schoolroom and our basement craft room to be more learning-friendly and organized!

Motivated Moms Planner


3.  Read the Bible daily.  I was going to read through the Bible, but that’s too big a goal for this year.  I’ll read through a book at a time, starting with 1 Corinthians.  And I pray that the Lord will grow me this year; I long to be more like Him–more patient, more kind, more loving. . .

4.  Learn how to use my new camera and Photoshop Elements.  Improve the photos here on the blog.  Fix my blog header and make a blog button.

5.  Sew my oldest daughter’s quilt (finally!) and make dresses for the four girls.  I have all the material for the quilt, but need to decide what to do for the girls.  I have lots more I’d love to sew, but I’m not going to stress if I can’t get to it this year.

6.  Teach the kids two songs with parts (performance ready).  We’ll work on singing at least twice a week.  It has always been a dream for my husband and me for our family to sing together!


I’ll post updates on how things are going.  Let me know about your goals, too!


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  1. Maybe you want to change your header/title to say 2013. 😉

  2. Great list!
    I love to sing, too. And I also need to get back to reading the Bible daily. I’ve been doing good for the past few days, so far, so good. =)

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