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Book Review: “Taken” by Brock Eastman


I’m excited to share a review of the book Taken: Quest for Truth, Book 1
by Brock Eastman!  Taken is a fiction book written for preteens and young teens and is first in The Quest for Truth series of five books.  My two oldest sons and I just finished reading it and can’t wait for the next book to come out in May!  “Taken” is published by P&R Publishing and Focus on the Family, and I thank them for sending us a copy so we could review it for you here.

The story is set in the future and is an interplanetary adventure, which surely added to the excitement for both the boys and me.  It had the feel of Star Trek or Star Wars, except with a major focus on a family.  At the beginning of the story the four kids’ parents are kidnapped, so Oliver, Tiffany, Austin, and Mason have to fly their spaceship to another planet to try to discover some clues to help them.  While there, the younger boys encounter a group of people who try to hold them prisoner.  The whole book is full of suspense.  My 9 yo son said he didn’t even want to read anything else until the next Quest for Truth book (Risk) comes out–but, sorry, you can’t stop reading for 3 months!

God isn’t mentioned in the book, but the focus of the parents’ archaeological searching is to find the secrets of the beginning of life.  One of the characters says that he feels that “Someone” has been guiding him.  So, I expect that their Quest for Truth will lead them to the truth of God!

I would definitely recommend this book to preteens and young teens.  To learn more about the author Brock Eastman, see The Quest for Truth book website.

Get Taken: Quest for Truth, Book 1
 FREE on Kindle in August 2015!

3DRisk See review of Risk here.

3D_Unleash See review of Unleash here.

3D Tangle  See review of Tangle in September 2015.

(Disclosure: I received complimentary copies of these books in order to write honest reviews.  This post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. I am excited about this book and would love to win a copy. We are currently reading the “Imagination Station” series. These are affiliated with Focus on The Family. These sound great for my son!

  2. I’d like to win! My wife and I have established a regular pattern of reading books to our children at bedtime. Over the years, we have read many novels, some that I couldn’t wait to finish and others that I didn’t want to end. But aside from the quality of the novels we’re read, this has been a great family-building experience. Even as our children get older (now 13, 11, and 8 years old), they continue to look forward to our “bedtime reading,” and Taken sounds like a great candidate for our next selection. (Notice: I am posting your blog entry to Facebook for a second entry; my email address is Thank you! P.S. We love P&R Publishing; you can hardly go wrong with anything they publish!

  3. This sounds right up my son’s alley! He’s reading the Adventure In Odyssey series “Passages” right now and is really enjoying them.

  4. Susan Dold says:

    Zach is such an avid ready and we would love to win this book!!

  5. Susan Dold says:

    Hi Gena. Just posted on facebook. Hopefully more people will enter. If not, hopefully we win one 🙂

  6. Sounds like a great book. My daughter would love to read this…

  7. Sounds like a great book for my son, a reluctant reader! I posted it on my Facebook page, too. 🙂

  8. Sorry – just re-read the rules, so here is my second comment that I posted on my FB page. (

  9. Yes, I would like to win! Another Focus on the Family production we enjoyed recently was “The Life of Jesus: Dramatic Eyewitness Accounts from The Luke Reports”.

  10. Joy DeLay says:

    Hi Gena, We’d love to win the book! My 13 yr old, who has struggled with reading because of eye problems, has a hard time finding books that he wants to read on his own. This one sounds perfect for him!

  11. Lissette Guzman says:

    Sounds like a interesting book. Older girls would enjoy reading it.

  12. I love contests! It’s always fun to win and this sounds like a great book for my boys!

  13. Sounds wonderful. I would love for my daughter to get started on a series like this!

  14. Hi Gena…I would love to win this book for my 2 sons. Thank you for reviewing it and for providing this opportunity!

  15. Look forward to sharing it with my kids…

  16. Jill Dupras says:

    We love new books!

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