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Book Review– 101 Bible Adventures


Today I’d like to share with you my book review on the book 101 Bible Adventures:  The Ultimate Quest for Truth written by Carolyn Larsen, illustrated by Rick Incrocci, and published by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.  (Thank you to Tyndale for providing a copy for me to review.  All opinions are my own!)

This is basically the Bible, shortened, written in a devotional form for kids ages 8-teenagers.  Here is how it’s laid out:  One-hundred and one Bible accounts are included, a new one on every 2-page spread.


The most words written on those pages are the actual words from the Bible in the very easy-to-read paraphrase New Living Translation.  It’s really written in story form–no verses are listed throughout the reading, although it does list at the top the exact verses.  There is a short introduction before the Bible reading which gives some historical background and a short section after which guides the reader with questions and ways to apply the reading to one’s life.  There is also a Key Verse from every reading.  As I was looking through this book I thought of several really great ways that this particular Bible could be used.

1.  As a daily devotional reading for kids of all ages.  They could read (or be read to) one of the 101 adventures every day.  It would give them a wonderful overview of all the major accounts of the Bible and ways to apply God’s word to their life.

2.  To guide a father or mother in Family Worship.  Dad could read one “Adventure” to his family every morning or night.  The questions to ask his family are all included–a wonderful way to get some discussion going!  This would be especially good for a dad or family who is new to family worship and a little intimidated by it.

3.  For a new young believer who has never read the Bible before.  If you know a child or teenager who has just accepted Christ, this book would be perfect for getting them started reading the Bible daily.  It’s paperback and light–much less intimidating than a regular big Bible.  It’s written in a way to show that the accounts of the Bible are full of action, adventure, and excitement.  (There’s also a cute cartoon included with each adventure.) They will get a great overview of the Bible in the order that’s it’s written in.  Then they can read from a full Bible and know a bit more what to expect in it!

4.  To find some great verses to memorize!  See the Key Verse–there are 101 of them!

So, I would highly recommend 101 Bible Adventures:  The Ultimate Quest for Truth to anyone who might like to use it in one of the 4 ways listed above.

Here are some of the 101 Bible accounts included:     Creation, Abraham’s test, The Burning Bush, Ten Plagues of Egypt, Gideon, Samson, Ruth, Contest on Mount Carmel, Esther, Daniel in Lion’s Den, Jesus’ Baptism, Lazarus Lives, Death of Jesus, Resurrection, Holy Spirit comes, Singing in Jail, Final Battle, Our Home in Heaven.


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