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Review/Giveaway of “Heaven is for Real for Kids” 4 DVD-Based Sunday School Lessons (for ages 9-12)


Today’s review is of
Heaven Is for Real for Kids: 4 DVD-Based Sunday School Lessons for Ages 9-12

Last year I read Heaven is for Real, the bestselling book by Todd Burpo, the father of a little boy who tells about an experience he had going to heaven. Colton almost died from a burst appendix, and as he was in surgery he says he spent time in heaven with Jesus. He met people, family members and those from the Bible and describes much of what he saw and did there. One thing that makes the story compelling is that Colton was so young (almost 4) and described things that he shouldn’t have known or understood yet. After I read the book I came away with a greater love for my Lord Jesus and absolutely no fear of death! I’m excited to go to heaven!

The materials I’m reviewing today are a set of four lessons on DVD with an accompanying booklet to be used in a Sunday School class (or homeschool co-op, backyard Bible club, etc.). The format works like this:

The booklet tells the leader what to say and do and what materials to prepare beforehand. The DVD is played in small segments throughout the class. There is discussion, Bible reading, or an activity in between each viewing of the DVD.

My kids and I watched the DVD and did some of the activities listed in the booklet. The DVD is well-done. It shows Colton sitting in his room and his parents sitting in their family room. They describe the experiences, both of Colton almost dying and what he says he saw and did in heaven.

The four lessons are meant to be taught on four different days. They are What is in Heaven?, Who is in Heaven?, Who is the God of Heaven?, and How Do I Get to Heaven?

Most of what Colton describes simply brings what we know from the Bible to life. But there are some strange things that he describes as well: Jesus has a rainbow horse and kids go to school.

Before you use this curriculum, I want you to think through a few things. If this experience of Colton’s is completely real (and not just a fever-induced hallucination or hoax–which I doubt), then there are a few whys. Why did God decide to reveal this information to him and not put it in the Bible? Do we accept this as new revelation and teach it to our children as such? What about the verse at the end of the book of Revelation in the Bible that says, “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.”

Everything Colton says, in my opinion, seems plausible. It certainly doesn’t contradict God’s Word. But it does add to it.

My recommendation would be that if you choose to use this curriculum, you talk through these things with your kids. Go through all the verses in the Bible that talk about heaven and study them. See what is the same as Colton’s experience and what isn’t.

I really do love that the entire purpose of the Burpo’s ministry through these Heaven is for Real books, DVDs, and curriculum is to encourage people to learn about and love Jesus and to know for sure that there is an afterlife and we all must deal with it. Accept Jesus as your Savior so that your sins won’t send you to hell for eternity. He loves you so much!!!

You can find product information here.


See an excerpt from the DVD here:

Tommy Nelson Publishers are providing a copy for a giveaway! Join through the Rafflecopter app below (click through to my website if needed). The contest ends next Friday, February 1, 2013. The winner has 48 hours to respond.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Thank you to Tommy Nelson for providing a complimentary copy of this curriculum in exchange for this honest review. This post contains affiliate links.)

Linked to Giveaway Day For giveaways

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  1. stacy wood says:

    My son and I Love this book

  2. stacy wood says:

    I would use this currixulum at home and for my son’s preschool sunday class

  3. So thankful for family. Glad your inlaws are so helpful. Have a blessed week.
    Keep up the God work.

  4. Arzel Bergeron says:

    Can you possibly give some idea of how much video is provided for each lesson. I have been unable to locate this information.

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