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Enrichment Studies

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Enrichment Studies

I’d love to introduce you today to a wonderful new way to teach music to your kids at home: Enrichment Studies. What you do is purchase a subscription to one of the Composer or Fine Art Pages collections.

There is so much jam-packed into each collection that it can easily take you a year to get through it all!  Also, you get to “keep” your links indefinitely, so you can revisit at any time.

Why Enrichment Studies Started

Erica Johns is the creator of Enrichment Studies.

Here is what she says about it:  “I needed a straightforward, no-planning-required way to share more about classical music and the fascinating composers behind the music, without adding more hours to my teaching schedule, or costing a lot of money.”

And she has succeeded!

Review of Composer Collection

I got to review Composer Collection #2, which includes the following composers:   Igor Stravinsky, Darius Milhaud, Edvard Grieg, Franz Liszt, Gustav Holst, Camille Saint-Saens, Dmitri Shostakovich, Johann Strauss II, Erik Satie, Claude Debussy, Antonin Dvorak, Gabriel Faure, and Sergei Prokofiev.

My kids and I looked at the Dvorak page first, but will be using all the rest as we go through this next year of homeschooling.  (It’s on my schedule during Morning Group Time.)  On the Dvorak page, there is such a variety of activities to choose from: podcasts, activity sheets, websites to visit, a musical timeline to put together, YouTube videos, downloadable music, and a stream of Dvorak music to listen to.  I was very impressed.  🙂  My little guys especially liked watching the YouTube videos where you could watch the conductor and instrumentalists/vocalists.  I liked that I didn’t have to search for everything to find the best examples!

Be sure to check out Enrichment Studies to see if it would be a good fit for your family.  You can see what collections are available, read the FAQs, and if you’re a homeschool blogger, find out how to partner with them.  Also, just for signing up on the home page, you get 3 FREEBIES:  

  • Handel composer resource
  • Monet artist resource
  • Sample of Fine Art Pages


(Disclosure: I received a complimentary opportunity to review Enrichment Studies. This post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. Debbie @ says:

    Thanks so much for hosting!

  2. I do plan on using Classical Composers Monthly this coming school year. I’ve already purchased it. Thank you for this reminder that I need to look into the artist collection!

  3. I would LOVE to win this! We do plan to do music and art, but I’ve been searching for the best resource. This site looks great! Thank you!

  4. Pick me! Pick me!
    Seriously, though: great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win. 🙂

    1. Rafflecopter picks the winner, so there’s no bias on my part. But maybe you’ll win!

  5. Yes, we do have plans. In fact, we’ve already started our school year and are learning about composers but I don’t have a curriculum. This would be GREAT!

  6. I always have plans to, but they are the subjects that “slip” the most when things get crazy throughout the year. Thanks for the chance to win!

    1. Yes, art and music appreciation often slip through the cracks for us, too. I’m glad to have this to use now!

  7. Wow. This looks really neat!

  8. Jill Dupras says:

    I started teaching piano basics. It’s a start!

    1. Great! I’m so glad you’re doing piano with them!

  9. BunnyMomRocks says:

    Art and Music are my children’s favorite subjects and I am always looking for new curriculum/material to bring into our day. This looks fabulous!

  10. This is an awesome giveaway. We are studying art this year but didn’t even think about the composers and now you have me planning more!! Thanks.

  11. Joann Calderone says:

    Can’t draw, can’t sing. However, I can teach both and the appreciation of both. Thank you for the chance to enter.

  12. Danielle Hull says:

    We have a few different art programs. My husband and I are both “challenged” in these areas! The 3 older children take piano and 3 middle may participate in a community choir. Thanks!

  13. Kathleen P. says:

    I am planning to teach both.

    1. Wonderful! It can sure be hard to fit everything in.

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