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Review/Giveaway “Rock Harbor Lost & Found” by Colleen Coble

Today I have a Review and Giveaway Rock Harbor Lost & Found by Colleen Coble.

This is a book specifically written for teens and tweens.  The main character is a girl, so maybe it’s especially for girls, but I know a lot of boys would enjoy reading it as well.

It’s the second in the Rock Harbor series, but it isn’t necessary to read the first book in order to enjoy this one.  It isn’t a continuation of the story.  (To see my first review, see here.)

Some features I enjoyed about the book were the focus on search and rescue, using dogs.  There was also a cyber crime, which was interesting.  And I love how the main character turns to God and to prayer to get her through the hard things she’s dealing with.

A couple of other issues are pretty deep, so I would caution parents about making sure your kids are able to handle the subject matter.  (I wouldn’t have my 10-year-old daughter read it for a year or two.)  One is the issue of adoption, but the illegal form–“selling” the baby.  Second, an adult is kidnapped and is gone for a week and no one knows what has happened to her.  Third, a girl’s mom had been imprisoned for injuring her son (the mom’s son).  She is now back in town and is stalking the girl, her daughter.  So, just make sure these things aren’t too scary for your kids!

Rock Harbor Search and Rescue: Lost and Found

*ages 8-11

*Book #2 in a mystery series from bestselling fiction author Colleen Coble

 *Girls will be drawn in by the mystery, exciting search-and-rescue scenes,  relevant social issues, and adorable rescue dogs


Product Link


I’m happy to have a copy of the book to giveaway!  The winner will be chosen Friday, October 25.  Please enter through the Rafflecopter app.  Winner will have 24 hours to respond to my email.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Disclosure:  I received a copy of this book in order to write this honest review.  Post also contains affiliate links.)

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  1. Heather B says:

    I would keep this one for myself.

  2. nicole krutz says:

    i would give it to my niece

  3. Dorrie Turner says:

    I would give this book to my daughter, then if she grows out of it to the local library.

  4. Brandy Davis says:

    I will give this to my daughter.

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