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Review of KinderBach: Online Piano Lessons for Preschoolers

Today’s review is of KinderBach, which gives online piano lessons for preschoolers (approximately ages 3-7).  My 3-year-old, 5-year-old, and I have spent the last 6 weeks using KinderBach, specifically KinderBach Online Piano Lessons.  We were able to complete Level 1 of the 6 levels.  Each level has 10 weeks of lessons, with 4 lessons per week.

KinderBach preschool piano online course from Music in Our Homeschool

My children found KinderBach very engaging.  We rarely did only one lesson at a time–they wanted to keep on going and going!  And often they wanted to repeat a previous lesson from the time before. Miss Karri who teaches the lessons really connects to the kids well.  She is fun and funny.  🙂

Click here to learn how to teach your own child piano at home!

KinderBach preschool piano online course from Music in Our Homeschool

There is also a wide variety between the lessons.  One lesson might have a song for them to listen to (with photos or graphics to watch), the next could have them play along with a rhythm instrument or the piano, the next a coloring sheet to go along with a new musical concept, the next a game to learn a new concept, and the next might be a cut-and-paste activity.  I printed out the PDF file of the Level 1 activities and put them in a notebook for each child.

KinderBach preschool piano online course from Music in Our Homeschool

For the mom (homeschool teacher) who will be facilitating the lessons:

All the lessons are found online, so you just need a computer with sound to watch them.  Each week’s lessons begin with a short introduction, where the teacher tells you what to expect to learn that week and what materials will be needed (usually a piano or keyboard, crayons, scissors, glue, and a rhythm instrument.)  You don’t have to worry about having any special rhythm instruments.  She often uses things she finds in the kitchen such as a cereal bowl and a spoon!  You also don’t need to know anything about music or how to play the piano to help your kids with this program.  You’ll learn everything along with them!  The lessons are only about 5-10 minutes each, so don’t worry about being overwhelmed with another curriculum.  You can do as much or as little as you can at each teaching session.

KinderBach preschool piano online course from Music in Our Homeschool

My unique perspective as a fellow early childhood music teacher:

I could see what the teacher was trying to teach to the kids–which are some of the hurdles for early music learners.  I’m glad she decided to tackle these really early on since they are so basic.  The concepts are

  • recognizing the pattern of the piano keyboard (2 black keys vs. 3 black keys)
  • steady beat
  • knowing the finger numbers (labeling your fingers 1-5)
  • quarter notes vs. half notes
  • that half notes have 2 beats, but only one note plays for it
  • strong and weak beats
  • high and low pitches
  • stepping up notes vs. staying the same

One of the greatest things about the program is that she uses really fun ways to get these concepts into the young kids’ hands, ears, and minds.  There is a cute donkey named Dodi who lives at the 2 black keys of the piano.  The Train Station is where the 3 black keys are.  A boy named Frisco represents “walk” which is the way the kids learn about quarter notes.  And the Beat Bugs are lots of fun for helping kids understand stong and weak beats.

Pictures of my kids using KinderBach

Sitting at the computer to watch the lesson:

Kinderbach 003

A Game to Learn Loud vs. Quiet:

Kinderbach 001

On screen is the “music” they are learning.  Frisco represents quarter notes:

Kinderbach 004

Playing steady beat with a plastic container and wooden spoon:

Kinderbach 005

Finding Dodi’s house (the two black keys) on the piano keyboard.  This is basic for the kids being able to find the notes later on:

Kinderbach 008


Kinderbach 009

Kinderbach 012

Kinderbach 013

Sometimes, even my one-year-old joined in!

Kinderbach, Precious Moments, Veggie Tales 003


The biggest disappointment about KinderBach for my 5-year-old daughter was that there wasn’t very much actual piano playing in this first set of lessons.  I know why there wasn’t; the kids have to learn all the basics first.  I’m sure there will be more piano playing in future lessons.  I’m going to continue them with my 3-year-old son, who is in fact begging me to go to the next lesson as I write this!

Overall, I found KinderBach a good beginning music program for young children.  I like how it gives the kids a good music foundation and is fun at the same time.  I also loved the activity book that is included with the lessons.  It was fun for them to have a new sheet to look at each day, with something to color or do or even play on the piano!  I’m glad to have more lessons included in my subscription so I can continue with my son and see how much he can learn!

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  1. Thanks for the review. I’ve been thinking about getting this for my 7 and 10 year old to start learning piano at home. It seems like this might give them a good start and let us decide if it is something they want to continue.

    1. You’re welcome. I should have mentioned there are 2 weeks of free lessons, so you can try it out and see if it works for you. It might be too “young” for your kids since it’s written for the preschool crowd. 🙂

  2. Sounds neat! It’s hard to know just how to teach little kids musical concepts (though it’s easy to just have fun with music =) I’ve been using Music for Little Mozarts which I really like. It’s not a digital product, just a set of books, but the teacher/mom doesn’t need to know anything to use it. Thanks for sharing about this resource!

  3. Kellee Burk says:

    Is KinderBach still in business? I can’t seem to find it through Google.

    1. I just checked their Facebook page and found out that they are permanently closed. Too bad! I really like them. I sent them a message to see if anyone has picked up the materials to sell. 🙂
      P.S. She said she’s working on possibly getting it back up and running. 🙂

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