Review of Greek Morphemes Lessons (It’s NOT Greek to Me!)
So what is the purpose of Greek Morphemes Lessons?
Basically, it’s a homeschooling vocabulary program which teaches the Greek roots, prefixes, and suffixes (as well as some Latin ones) so that students will be able to figure out many difficult English words. Personally, I want my kids to learn these morphemes so they will perform better on college entrance exams.
What ages is it best for?
This program is really great for junior high and high school students. Be sure to have your student complete it before they take the SAT or ACT test and they will almost certainly do better on the tests!
How long does it take each day?
The suggested lesson plans included in the curriclum say that you can use it for only 10-30 minutes a day.
How did we use it?
My 12-year-old son finished the first and part of the second lesson of 12 total lessons in the 6 weeks we worked on it. We didn’t follow the suggested lesson plans exactly, but did it in a way that would work for our family and homeschool time. Usually, he only worked on it for 10-15 minutes each study session, but sometimes worked for 30 minutes. I also had my 14-year-old son work on some of it. Both boys will definitely be finishing the whole book because I am certain that it will be useful for SAT preparation.
Each of the 12 lessons contains:
- 15-22 Greek morphemes
- Note-taking page
- Words to Work exercise
- Word analysis, word synthesis, context cluse composition activities, and review activities
- Color pages for making study flash cards
The Teacher’s Manual contains:
- Suggested Lesson Plans and instructions on how to use the program
- Answer Keys for Words to Work and Review matching exercises
- Transparency masters
- Tests and Keys
- Premade study cards
- Bulletin board ideas and graphics
How did we like it?
I am so happy with this program! Watching the Powerpoint slide show was how I taught the first part of each lesson. It was really cool. I would read the slide, then click the next one and it usually added to what was already on the screen. Sometimes there were questions for the boys to think about. After they gave an answer I would click and find out if they were right. It was a very handy (and fun) way to teach the lesson. Obviously, this would also work very well in a classroom or co-op situation. All the written pages were in the student book. I loved how there were a variety of activities for each lesson. It really got the boys to use the morphemes a lot in many different ways so that they could get them fully memorized and understood. The teacher book was easy to follow and was organized in a way that I could quickly find what I was looking for (such as answers to the lesson pages or tests.) I like how the student book had colorful pages to use for the flashcard that were made for practice. And the teacher book had them printed so I could practice my own and learn them as well!
See the website for sample lessons. I’m sure you’ll like it, too!