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Review: Old Fashioned DVD

Old Fashioned movie review
Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through affiliate links in this post. I received complimentary copies of the Old Fashioned DVD, novelization, and devotional in order to write honest reviews. 
Last night my husband, 2 teen sons, and I watched the movie Old Fashioned.  It wasn’t what I expected–which is a good thing!  I expected it to be a movie explaining to us why dating is bad and why everyone should go back to being old fashioned.  But that isn’t what happened.
The main character Clay has decided not to date or even be alone in the same room with a girl, but it’s not because he’s a prude.  In fact, he has quite the past.  He uses his new “theories” as a way to pay penance for the mistakes he had made, but learns that that is just another sin–being self-absorbed and self-righteous.  Finally, he learns the best balance and chivalry makes a come-back.
Even my teen sons are glad they saw it, and I’m glad they saw it, too because I think it made an impact on them.  They learned how to approach a relationship that’s as important as marriage.  It will also be a movie I’ll want my daughters to see because it will show them how a lady ought to be treated. Because of the all the allusions to the sinful past, and the contrast with chivalry, I would recommend this for ages 13 and up.  It’s rated PG-13.
About the movie:
Old Fashioned DVD Releases on June 16, 2015
115 minutes // Genre: Drama // Rating PG-13

 A romantic-drama, OLD FASHIONED centers on Clay Walsh, a former frat boy who gives up his reckless carousing and now runs an antique shop in a small Midwestern college town. There, he has become notorious for his lofty and outdated theories on love and romance as well as for his devout belief in God. When Amber Hewson, a free-spirited young woman with a restless soul, drifts into the area and rents the apartment above his shop, she finds herself surprisingly drawn to his strong faith and noble ideas, which are new and intriguing to her. And Clay, though he tries to fight and deny it, simply cannot resist being attracted to her spontaneous and passionate embrace of life. Ultimately, Clay must step out from behind his relational theories and Amber must overcome her own fears and deep wounds as the two of them, together, attempt the impossible: an “old-fashioned” and God-honoring courtship in contemporary America. 
**I will return on June 30 with a review of the following books, and a GIVEAWAY of both books plus the DVD!
Old Fashioned novelization:  
Softcover; 303 pages 
Softcover; 222 pages 
S O C I A L • C O R N E R
Official Website –
Twitter: @OldFashionedVow  #OLDFASHIONEDMOVIE
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