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Music Lessons to Make American History Studies Richer

A few days ago I shared about 3 Free Ways to Add Music Appreciation to an Already Busy Homeschool Day. I hope you enjoyed those three freebies. Have you already tried some of it with your kids? I have more music lessons to share with you today!

As a homeschool mom of 8 and music teacher of 21 years I’ve found some creative ways to include music in our homeschool. Today’s post explores this further by connecting music appreciation to another subject–history!

Does your high schooler need American History next year? Try Dave Raymond’s video course for free! Click the green “Try Free Lessons” button.
Dave Raymond's American History from Compass Classroom


You are going to teach American history for sure, but you don’t think you can teach music appreciation as well.  It’s too hard, you don’t know what to teach, it takes too much time.  I can just hear you now. 🙂

But I’m here to tell you that it isn’t true. I have some awesome lessons today that will truly enrich your students’ American history study with only a few minutes a day. They are appropriate for grades K-12.

21 Lessons in 20th Century American Music Appreciation

Find the curriculum in my Teachers Pay Teachers store here.

21 Lessons in 20th Century American Music Appreciation 500x647

Please leave me a comment below telling me what you think of the lessons. Share this with your friends. And if you like these, check out the full 20th Century Music Appreciation Online Course!

Join the Music in Our Homeschool Plus music and fine arts membership experience for preschool through high school!


  1. Gena, I can not say enough how much my boys & I are enjoying your 20th Century American Music Appreciation Curriculum!!! I am learning right along with the boys-and we are enjoying all the facts and links you provide. The notebooking pages are so helpful too!!

    1. I am so happy to hear this, Amy! I’m planning on adding more notebooking pages in the next volume, which will be about 20th Century European and South American composers. 🙂

  2. Gena, I have recommended this music to a few homeschooling mums and I must say they are enjoying it a lot And yes,the notebooking pages have turned out to be a lot helpful than I was expecting.

  3. Are there any more free resources that can help in making the study of history interesting and exciting ?

    1. Most of my focus is on music history, and I have quite a few free resources. Another fun thing would be to look at art history, and Enrichment Studies has some nice resources for that.

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