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$500 Bless a Homeschooler Cash Giveaway

It’s Back to (Home) School time

It’s that time of year, when many homeschoolers are busy preparing for a new school year.  Some of you may have already started your new year, and some of you may have never stopped!  Ah, the blessing of homeschooling – to be able to do what suits your family.

Speaking of blessing, I’ve gotten together with a group of bloggers to bless a homeschooling family with $500 (Paypal) CASH!  We’ve put our resources together to bring you a giveaway for a chance of winning $500. We know homeschooling can put financial strain on families – whether it’s from living on one-income or buying curriculum for your children – the financial aspect of it can be stressful.  Our hope is that we can monetarily bless a homeschool family so they can buy the curriculum they need, pay off a bill or two, or be able to have their kids participate in extra curricular activities.

Bless a Homeschooler Pin

For your chance to win, simple use the Rafflecopter form below to enter –   a Rafflecopter giveaway Giveaway ends August 25th, 2015 at 11:59pm EDT.  Must be at least 18 years of age.  Selected winner will have 48 hours to respond to email notification to claim their prizes or another winner will be drawn.

And while you’re here, have you checked out my brand new curriculum 21 Lessons for 20th Century American Music Appreciation yet? It’s only $12.50 until August 31. So, be sure to pick it up now!

21 Lessons in 20th Century American Music Appreciation August sale Twitter Melanie Wilson

Join the Music in Our Homeschool Plus music and fine arts membership experience for preschool through high school!


  1. Winning this would help purchase some art supplies and the science materials that we need for labs this year, as well as the ‘extras’ that make homeschool just plain fun and enjoying.

  2. We are expecting our 4th child and have a lot of hospital and baby expenses to worry about. This prize would be a huge blessing to our family!

  3. We’ve been saving for years for a big, family trip to Disney. We’re almost there. $500 would help a ton! Taking 5 people to Disney is not cheap. It would mean so much! We haven’t had a real vacation since we had kids almost 14 years ago!

  4. Caitlin Kim says:

    Our fifth little blessing was born a few weeks ago and I find myself preparing to have a kidney transplant. I want to do what I can to make this challenging year one that allows our homeschool to flourish and our hearts to draw nearer to Christ. $500 would make it possible for us to plan some pre-surgery family field trips and to pay off some bills!

  5. It would help us pay off some of the debt we are currently struggling to pay.

  6. I am wanting to win this for my nephew and his wife and children. They home school their little ones, and can always use the extra money for them.

  7. It will definitely be a big help as the beginning of the school year is always tight around here. This will give us some breathing room. 🙂

  8. We have what we need for school so far but we could really use some extra money!

  9. It would definitely help as I haven’t purchased all of my high school student’s curriculum. It would be such a blessing to our budget! 🙂

  10. This would help with purchasing high school curriculum.

  11. Peter Halo says:

    This prize would me with back to school things.

  12. What a great idea. This would go towards all the extra classes (piano, gymnastics, choir, karate etc)

  13. We’ve recently experienced a change in employment for my husband which reduced our income to under half of what it was before. This, along with some unexpected health expenses, has caused us to cut back on curriculum expenses. Winning this giveaway would be a huge help!

  14. Winning this would help me with all the “extras”– science experiments and history projects. Also there are a few books that I would like to add to our research library collection 🙂 Thanks for this opportunity!

  15. My nephew and his wife are expecting their second child this November, I would be able to help them out if I won; thanks for having this giveaway.

  16. Holly Thomas says:

    This would help me get the supplies I need.

  17. JESSICA C says:

    This would bless my family a lot. Both my husband and I are out of work do to health so it would mean the world to us if we won. thanks for sharing

  18. John Thuku says:

    Winning this giveaway will help my mom to buy some of the materials needed for my younger brothers homeschooling. Thank you so much for the chance.

  19. We would use the paypal money to purchase some of our school items that we haven’t purchased yet: anatomy and physiology items, fresh handwriting paper and some of our readers for literature.

    Thanks for hosting a great giveaway!!

  20. Joy McFalls says:

    it would help to go on some great field trips

  21. I would purchase a new math curriculum for my son who is struggling. And some art supplies.

  22. laurie damrose says:

    I would like to get an ipad to help my son who has Aspbergers.

  23. jeanette sheets says:

    this woul dbe the best blessing my family could receive !!we need new roof and could really use towards that and school curriculum supplies ,thank you !

  24. It would be a real blessing to get them new shoes and socks and undies. After that I’d probably get prime again because we used it a lot for history documentaries.

  25. Winning this means I could actually buy some curriculum specifically I could go to the homeschool store where my states Children’s hospital is that we have to go to soon.

  26. wen budro says:

    Winning this would bless my family by allowing us to get prepared for the long winter with extra food, water, and supplies.

  27. We would be blessed by being able to buy new supplies and books.

  28. Rebekah A. says:

    Money is always tight for us, as I’m sure it is for many, so this would be helpful in getting the things we need to use throughout the year. More specifically, there are several literature books that I need for this year that I can’t find at my library, plus some science supplies for labs.

  29. Holly Guerrio says:

    This money will be used to pay bills.

  30. It will be used to purchase school supplies and out-dated books.

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