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6 Reasons to Have Students Blog for Fun Creative Writing in Your Homeschool

Writing. It’s a must-teach subject in every homeschool. But, not every homeschool student (or teacher!) enjoys it. I know that I have had my struggles with my own kids by trying to find ways for them to have fun creative writing assignments to keep their interest and push them to work harder.

I have a wonderful way for you to include writing instruction and practice that’s a bit out of the box. Check out “6 Reasons to Have Students Blog for Fun Creative Writing in Your Homeschool”.

6 Reasons to Have Students Blog for Fun Creative Writing in Your Homeschool. #blogging #highschool #homeschool #ichoosejoyblog

6 Reasons to Have Students Blog for Fun Creative Writing in Your Homeschool

Blogging is fun and educational for homeschool students for a number of reasons.

It’s online and uses technology—right up their alley!

I don’t think I need to tell you that kids love technology. Unlike ours, it’s always been a part of their lives. Using it as part of a subject they might not like as much (writing) will help them do it more.

They can truly express themselves—choose theme, colors, photos, and graphics

I have one child in particular who really loves this aspect. He wants to make it look as good as possible and is constantly experimenting with different themes and colors. Several of my girls are artists and love using sites like Canva or Picmonkey to create graphics.

By the way, here is a great tutorial course to learn how to use Canva!

How exciting for them to see their writing surrounded by beautiful photos and graphics on their very own blogs that they have designed!

It can be used for any subject or topic

If your kids are just learning to write, they can use their blog as a daily journal. Use any number of writing prompts to get them writing every day. Then, they can use their blogs to practice the 5-paragraph essay.

Do your kids need to write about a science or history topic? They can do it in a blog post. A compare/contrast essay? Yep! Poems or short stories? Yes, those, too.

They can even write something bigger, such as a literary analysis or research paper or even a novel!

It’s a perfect way for them to share their work with grandparents

This is one of my favorite benefits of blogging! Whether you have supportive grandparents, or not, what a wonderful way for them to see how great homeschooling is for the grandkids by seeing their published writing online!

Typing is so much easier for many students who have difficulty handwriting (dysgraphia)

I have a couple of kids who have trouble writing by hand. They can think about what they want to say much quicker than they can write it. But, typing can take away that block to them having fun with their writing.

Students will get speedier with their typing skills and write more on their blogs than they might have done if writing a paper by hand on paper.

They are learning new skills that will help them in the future.

Many of our kids will have websites for their own businesses someday. Or, they will have the skills to help any company they work for with their websites and blogs. This is a great skill to list on their resume!

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