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7 Ways to Prepare for Back to Homeschool

7 Ways to Prepare for Back to Homeschool

Today I’m guest posting at the Educents blog about 7 Ways to Prepare for Back to Homeschool.”
Here’s the quick list, but head over to read the details and tips. 🙂
1. Determine academic goals for each child
2. Choose and purchase curriculum
3. Determine character goals for each child
4. Organize drawers and bookshelves
5. Buy school supplies (for the whole year, during summer sales)
6. Come up with a workable house-cleaning plan, teach it to the kids, and practice before school starts
7. Have some fun so you’re ready to work hard in the fall!
 And while you’re there you can do some shopping and save 10% with coupon code Flash10!
(This post contains affiliate links.)
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