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A change in plans

Today we had a change in plans.  We were on our way to the Children’s Museum traveling in a lot of rain on a freeway with lots of construction when we got a flat tire!  I couldn’t stop anywhere safe so I had to keep traveling for 3 miles, praying all the way!  We got to a gas station and thankfully my husband was available to come and change the tire for us.  So, we came home and worked on lapbooks, housework and started our study of the solar system with the reading of Destination Moon by astronaut of Apollo 15 Jim Irwin.  We’ll try again for the museum in a few days.

I’m joining a challenge to spend 15 minutes reading the Bible every day (see the contest here.
I started reading from a chronological Bible in January, but I’m about a month behind right now.  I’ll try to catch up!

Other good news:  We got carpet in our basement!  It is so nice down there now.  My kids absolutely love it, especially the 17-month-old!

My little girl is now 3 years old!

Having a rare moment of them all sitting still!

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  1. Gena, I am just certain you must have passed with flying colors and were safe with all of my grandcherubs. Thank heavens for Michael. Do you have AAA? Sorry you missed the museum though!

    I love you birthday pictures, Rebecca.

    Love you all!!!

  2. friends4tea says:

    Hi Gena,

    Your basement is awesome! I wish we had one…we could really use the extra space! Sorry about that flat. Thank goodness for hubbies who come to the rescue! =)

    I'm so glad you've joined in the April Challenge!!! I'm so excited about what God has in store for each of us. What book of the Bible will you be reading in?


  3. kristenph says:

    Your kids are darling and the carpet in the basement looks terrific!

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