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oBaby+ App Review

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Today I have a review of a fun new app called oBaby+.  The way it works is that you first take a picture with your iPhone (or iPad) or choose an existing photo.  Next you choose the size (square, 5×7, etc.).  Then there are hundreds of borders, words, doodles, or pictures to add to your photo!  You can resize the illustrations and move them where you want them on the picture.  And there are so many colors to choose from as well!

Then you can save the edited version to your phone or share it in a variety of ways (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Message, etc.)

I didn’t experience any trouble with the app.  I found it extremely easy to use–and fun!

Build Your Bundle 2015 Pre-Sale

You can check out many more ideas of ways to edit photos on the oBaby Instagram page.  Their website is  .  You can purchase oBaby for $4.99 which will allow for a number of add-ons for $.99 each.  Or purchase the whole app with 650+ handcrafted illustrations for $14.99.  There is even a way to “gift” it to give to an expecting mom for a baby shower gift!

Here are the categories of artwork that you get:

**11 Categories of Artwork (650+ Illustrations)

DATES: for due dates, birthdays, special days, countdowns 
DOODLES: flowers, hearts, ornaments, arrows
BORDERS: squares, circles, semi-circles (& more)
ANYTIME: blessed, mr. hungry, cutie pie (& more) 
ANNOUNCEMENTS: coming soon, bun in the oven, we made magic (& more)
PREGNANCY: heard the heartbeat, nesting, any day now (& more)
LABOR & BIRTH: so brave, hello world, first family photo (& more) 
ADOPTION: dossier sent, home study, gotcha day (& more) 
FIRST YEAR: baby bubbles, look what I found, crawling (& more) 
SECOND YEAR: such a ham, crazy kid, my favorite toy (& more) 
FAMILY & FRIENDS: grandma, grandpa, family, the whole gang (& more) 

Overall, I really enjoyed the oBaby+ app and will continue to use it!

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(Disclosure:  I received the oBaby+ for free in order to write this honest review.)

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