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Review: Cobblestone Path Church History Research Journal

Cobblestone Church History

I have the blessing to share with you today a review of the Cobblestone Path Church History Research Journal for the years of the Apostolic and Early Church Ages of c. 30-325 A.D. by Danika Cooley.

There are 8 Church History Research Journals available which begin with the one I’m reviewing today and ends with the present day. They are specifically written to be used by middle school and high school students, but college students and adults will also find the journals to be extremely useful when studying church history. Students using the journals will develop research and pre-writing skills as they learn about the history of the Christian church.

I love the fact that the journals can be used alongside any type of church history program of study you might be using–Tapestry of Grace, Sonlight, etc. You can even use the journals without a curriculum or specific textbook. Just research each person or event as you come to it. However, it is highly recommended that you use one of her suggested texts. My favorite is Church History in Plain Language by Dr. Bruce L. Shelley. My husband and I studied it with a class at our church back in Texas. I love that book!

If you want to go through all the Cobblestone Path Church History Journals, it will take you 4 years to finish by doing two journals a year.

I have only seen the first journal, so my descriptions below are of it.

The journal begins with a blank timeline that has lines and numbers on it. You can keep it in the journal, tape it together and fold it up, and remove it and put it up on a wall. Add the people and events to it as you study them. Next is a page that describes the three earliest church ages: Apostolic Age, Early Church Fathers, and Early Theologians and Apologists. Two pages follow with 14 terms to define (apostle, persecution, martyrdom, Moratorian Canon, heresy, monasticism, apologist, gnosticism, monetarism, modalism/sabellianism, docetism, arianism, rule of faith, and novatianism). Wow, I couldn’t define most of these–I have a lot to learn! Then, you have individual pages of specific people to write about. Each page has a spot for a quote, early life, major life events, impact/theological consequences, and theology/major events. Some have a second page for a drawing, notes/thoughts, major events during lifetime, and geography with a spot for drawing a map. The entire journal is 246 pages long!

Certain pages throughout the journal have colored photographs which makes the journal more fun and interesting.

I would recommend the Cobblestone Path Church History Research Journals for anyone who is studying church history. It gives you a place to put your thoughts down and dig in to understand each of these people of the Christian faith in a deeper way.

The Cobblestone Path Church History Research Journal is available at the Thinking Kids Press website.


(Disclosure: I received a copy of the Church History Journal in order to write this honest review. This post also contains affiliate links.)

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