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A Day in our Life

Last week I picked a day to write out what we did all day.  I always find it fun to read about people’s every day lives!

5:20  My husband and 8 yo son go out to shovel the snow.
5:25  I was going to try to sleep more, but my baby woke up 5 minutes later.  So I nursed her and then got my 2 yo who also woke up pretty early today.
6:00  I shower and dress the 2 little ones.
7:00  I start making bread and stew.  The kids eat breakfast.
8:00  I nurse the baby and put her down for a nap.  The kids do morning chores and practice violin.
9:15  We do our Bible Time  (talk about Sharing, review our verses, pray)
9:45  Leave to go to gymnastics for my middle girls.  While there I read a couple of library books to the boys and crochet 2 lines of my project.
11:00  Go to the car service place to get a recall fixed.
11:45  Home for lunch, the kids play, I use the computer (order Kit Packs from Hands of a Child since they’re having a clearance sale and my printer has been unusable for a month!)
1:00  Read books to the 2 yo and 3 yo and put them down for naps.  Listen to my older 2 boys read aloud.  Then I read "Summer With the Moodys" to my 3 oldest kids. 
2:00  My baby and 2 yo are still not sleeping. 
2:30  I change dirty diapers for both of them–still hoping they’ll sleep so I can rest.
3:00  They finally fall asleep!
3:15  My 3 oldest kids noisily run downstairs.  So I head down with them and have them straighten up the house.  I realize that my 2 yo did not fall asleep–oh well, it’s not going to happen today.
3:30  Two older ladies from my Small Group Bible Study come over to play with the kids.
4:15  I leave to take a stew meal to my friend who had just had a baby.  I was going to run another errand or two, but my 2 yo and 3 yo beg to go with me, so I let them.  No errands with them along!
5:00  I’m back and get dinner set up for us, the ladies leave, and my husband comes home.

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