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A less constructive day

Well, yesterday was far less constructive than the day before.  I was up a lot with my daughter the night before and was exhausted.  We did nothing in the morning; I spent a long time lying on the couch.  But the kids had fun playing outside.


We did get our afternoon schedule (nap-time reading) in, though.  And I taught a voice lesson.  But no dinner–I put in frozen pizzas!


Today has been much better.  We did violin practice, clothes folding, a full Bible time, 2 phonics lessons AND handwriting lessons.  The boys are funny with their Handwriting Without Tears workbooks.  I told them I'd be happy if they only did 2 pages at a time, but they want to go and go and go.  My 5 yo did about 10 pages.  He said he wanted to do as much as he would if he were in school.  I told him that if he were in school, he'd only be allowed to do one letter a day, not 10 letters and all 10 numbers!  My 4 yo is doing quite well.  I'm glad I'm starting with him now (since he's interested in it) so that he won't get into the bad habits that his older brother has.  My 2 yo was coloring and putting stickers on a piece of paper during this time.


Then we ran a couple of errands.  The Signing Time DVD finally arrived at the library, so we went to pick it up and will try it this afternoon.  Lunchtime and playtime have been pleasant.  I'm actually getting time to use the computer before naptime!

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