A Time to Laugh
My 2 yo said this morning, "Mom, I found a pickle for Daddy’s guitar!" He found a pick!
When driving in the car last week, we heard the GPS say, "In 500 yards, turn left." The same little boy said, "It’s Nama; I heard Nama’s voice!"
I was putting on some lipstick and asked my 2 yo son how I looked. He pointed at me and said, "You look like this."
I was having that funny little boy help me put clothes in the dryer. He kept trying to get out of it and said, "Mom, can you help me? You do this, and I’ll go lay on the couch."
A couple of weeks ago, my 5 yo daughter said, "Do you know where the yankee is?" I said, "The what?" She said, "You know, the blue yankee that we use to keep the umbrella together." She was talking about the bungee cord!