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Adventures in Odyssey A.C.T.S. Summer of Service: Post #3, with Giveaway!


This summer we’ve been sharing about the Adventures in Odyssey Summer of Service (A.C.T.S).  Have you been able to do any service with your family?  We haven’t done as much as we had hoped, but we did help out with our church’s VBS last week!  Enjoy today’s post about “Growing by Establishing Routines.”



For moms with kids in school and even those who homeschool, the most hectic months of the year are usually September and May. The end of the school year involves parties, playoffs, and final projects and testing. The beginning of the year has moms and kids feeling overloaded with shopping, sign-ups, and new schedules and curriculum.

Establishing healthy, positive routines is a tough job. Too often, music lessons, sports practices, and co-ops can overshadow the routines that build family and healthy habits—both physically and spiritually.

One of the great new Adventures in Odyssey products released this year is 90 Devotions for Kids, aimed at kids 8 to 12.  This soft-cover book draws you in with illustrations, puzzles, and kid-friendly applications. It also includes a daily Bible verse, daily challenges, words of encouragement from different AIO characters, and more. Even if your kids aren’t already Adventures in Odyssey fans, they’ll enjoy these daily devotionals, and get to know the Odyssey crew along the way.

This devotional, and the edition coming this fall (90 Devotions for Kids: Life Changing Values from the Book of Matthew) are great tools to help your kids put a regular pause in their day for Bible reading, prayer, and thoughts about God. If you start now—by the first day of school, you’ll already have a spiritual component scheduled into your kids’ routine. After that, everything else will hopefully just fall into line!

Download a free excerpt from 90 Devotions for Kids and enter the giveaway below to win a copy of the book!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Disclosure: I received a set of Adventures in Odyssey CDs called “Our Favorites” –awesome, by the way!– in exchange for 3 A.C.T.S. posts. This post contains affiliate links.)

See the wonderful blogs I’ve linked up to here! Giveaway Day

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  1. Naomi Dasher says:

    We try to have devotions at bedtime at least twice a week.

    1. That’s wonderful! I think bedtime is a great time to do devotions with kids!

  2. Thanks for a great giveaway! I hope I win! 🙂

  3. WE do devotions with the kids every single night as a family at 7pm! We have worked through many of devotion books! LOVE to have a new book to add to our collection!

  4. Jill Dupras says:

    This would be a great devotional to have. By the way thank you so much for my birthday present! I love you!

  5. Kayla Rice says:

    Yes we do!! We love it.

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