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Am I still here?

I know it’s been forever since I’ve posted!  There are a couple of reasons why.  First, I’m kind of busy raising 7 kids 🙂 .  There are so many things pulling at me that lately I’m always putting everything else as a priority above blogging.  But I still want to keep this journal of our life going.   Now, it will take a lot of work to catch up!  I still have pictures to post from Thanksgiving!  Well, I’m really going to try to carve out some time a few times a week to blog.

Also, I’ve been frustrated with the ads on my blog.  They were not put there by me, but by homeschool blogger.  They said they are working on a way to make them more “seamless” into the look of the blog.  But right now, they are downright awful!  Sorry!  And there are strange symbols (diamonds with question marks in them) that are on all my older posts.  Again homeschool blogger is working on trying to remove them.  Hopefully, soon!

You may have noticed I changed the picture on the header.   We went to the Botanic Gardens last week.  It was beautiful, as always!








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