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August Field Trip–Botanic Gardens

As part of following Teaching the Trivium’s “Ten Things to Do Before Age 10”, we try to go on a neat field trip every month.  Last month we went to the wonderful Chicago Botanic Gardens (which is not in Chicago–yeah!  I don’t like to drive there.)

Admission is free, but parking is fairly expensive, especially for our big van.  But I found out that we get free parking due to my husband’s work!  So, we’ll be making trips to this beautiful place more often now.



Model Train Garden

A week before he went to his first Cub’s game at Wrigley Field!






Butterfly Exhibit






Here are some other field trip ideas we have planned for this school year:

Sept.–Apple Picking

Oct.– Pumpkin Farm

Nov.–Children’s Museum

Dec.–Christmas concert

Jan.–Long Grove Confectionary Tour

Feb.–Grocery store tour

Mar.–Shedd Aquarium

Apr.–Forest Preserve Hike


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One Comment

  1. That’s awesome! I did a series on the 10 things…article and am trying to be more purposeful about the things they suggest too! I’m sure my son would love that train garden…how clever! Thanks for linking up to Trivium Tuesdays!

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