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Back from Vacation!

We have returned from our vacation!  The last few years we’ve gone on a trip in June, but this year we went earlier since the baby is coming in July.  It was nice to avoid the heavy crowds at some of the places we went!  We traveled from our home in Illinois to Mammoth Cave, Kentucky; the Smoky Mountains; and Kiawah Island, South Carolina.  I’m still getting the pictures organized to post, but I’ll start out by sharing my 9 yo son’s journal of the trip.  He used a little different style this time, kind of a stream of consciousness.  But, enjoy!

5/14/10     Today we left Illinois.   So far, it’s boring–maybe not!  Captain of the “Silver Bounty”, I mean Boba Fett, eating an apple, not paying attention to the freeway.  Help!  Oh, wow, that’s a Beatle’s songs, not a B. song. Plane, car, underwear, L.  Eek, eek!  Dad’s playin’ the guitar in public!!!!!  Rawhide ranch?  Mom said, “This must be the High School.”  Guess what it said?  “Jackson County Jail!” Wow, nice mountains!

5/15/10    Mammoth Cave. Oooooo No Touching the walls!!!! New state!!!! Tennessee!!!!! Knoxville is nice.

5/16/10     Oooo Smoky Mountains.  M. calls them “Misty Mountains.”  We’re staying in a cabin in the Smokies.  Church on vacation?  “Yep.”

5/17/10     Dollywood was awesome!  Mystery Mine, Adventure Mountain, and Miss Lillian–2nd nicest lady on Earth!  [I asked him who the first nicest lady was, and he said it was me!  So sweet!]

5/18/10     I found a 4-leaf clover and went hiking.

5/19/10     New states:  North Carolina and South Carolina.  Very nice condo!!!!!!  Nice white sand beach.

5/20/10    Hot hot hot!  Nice beach day.  Try boogie boarding, it’s fun.  Waves were awesome!

5/21/10     Nice beachy day.  Oh, my sunburn hurts!!!!!!   But it was nice.  Oh, well, vacation’s almost over.   But let’s have lots of fun while it’s still here.

5/22/10     “Bye bye beach!!  I wish we could stay!”   Yeah, sure, you know it, new state Georgia!!!

Here is his journal from 2009.

And here is the one from 2008.

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  1. I love the journal! You visited my part of the country. I was born in Knoxville and grew up in Asheville. I love the Smokies. My grandfather was born there before it was a park and went to a one room schoolhouse there 🙂

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