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Blog Tour (& Giveaway): “Write for Life” Learn how to write a Research Paper

Welcome to the Blog Tour for . . .

Write for Life: Volume One: Writing the Research Paper by Karen Lange

(Join me tomorrow where I will share my personal review of the e-book.  Keep reading on down below for a chance to win the book!)

This book offers ready to use lessons for grades 7-12 that guide students through the process of writing the research paper. Suitable for homeschool families, co-ops, or other student groups, these eight lessons break down the process from start to finish with helpful instruction, encouragement, and practice.

Lesson topics include:

• MLA style research paper basics, topics, and sources
• Thesis statements
• Outlines
• Developing content
• Rough and final drafts
• Citing sources

No matter what we do in life, good communication skills are an important ingredient for success. Strengthening students’ writing enhances verbal and other interpersonal skills and helps prepare them for a lifetime of good communication.

Since 2005, Karen Lange has used these lessons to teach homeschool teens at the Homeschool Online Creative Writing Co-op. She believes that everyone can improve their writing skills with a good balance of instruction, encouragement, and practice.

Purchase Write for Life on Amazon

About the Author:


Karen Lange is a homeschool veteran and consultant, freelance writer, editor, and online writing instructor for teens and adults. Her articles appear in parenting, homeschool, and other publications. Homeschool Co-ops 101, her first book, was released in 2013. She and her husband homeschooled their three children for grades K-12 in southern New Jersey. They now live in north central Kentucky where Karen enjoys reading, walking, and playing with her grandson. She is a fan of dark chocolate, hockey, and historical fiction.

Visit Karen:  Amazon Author Page


Email – [email protected]

Facebook Author Page


Twitter – @KLELange


Giveaway Information:

One winner will receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card & a copy of Write for Life ebook.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Interview Questions:

What prompted you to write this book?

Thanks so much for inviting me to stop by! The lessons in Write for Life Volume One are ones I use with my teen homeschool students in an online writing co-op. I’ve long wanted to convert the lessons into book form for use at home or with student groups. These are lessons I wish I’d had when homeschooling my children. They break writing the research paper down into more manageable, less intimidating steps, offering tips, advice, and insight into the entire process.
What do you hope readers will take away from this book?

My hope is that readers, students in particular, will come away more confident in their research and writing skills. I believe that with practice and encouragement, every student can write. Certainly not everyone will become a bestselling author, but they can learn to express themselves better through writing. Improving communication skills helps students gain an edge for future pursuits. My philosophy is that everyone has something to share with others, and writing is one way to do that.

Who was Write for Life written for?

The book is designed for group, family, or individual student use. This includes homeschoolers and public and private school students. It can be used anytime to help students brush up on their research paper writing skills.
Write for Life includes an instructor guide with information and advice on how to help students through the process. While best used with parent or other adult supervision, self-motivated students can work through the lessons themselves. I’ve had a writer tell me recently that the lessons would also be suitable for anyone wanting to brush up on research skills.
Since Write for Life is more of an educational resource, how do you plan to market it?
That’s a good question! I am exploring different options as we speak. They include doing articles and guest posts, spots on Blogtalk Radio, and of course, social media. In addition, I may offer some workshops in the future. I will also do another blog tour when Volume Two, Essay Writing, is released.
You mentioned that there is a Volume Two of Write for Life. What will that include? When will it be released?
Write for Life Volume Two’s topic is Essay Writing. It will follow the same format, offering ready to use lessons for grades 7-12 that will guide students through the essay writing process. The lesson topics include:

• Essay basics and structure
• Choosing topics and sources
• Taking good notes
• Thesis statements and outlines
• Developing content
• Revision and editing
• MLA style source documentation
• Preparing for the test essay

Three Tips to Use to Encourage Children to Write:
By Karen Lange
Teaching children to write can be intimidating, especially if you don’t feel like you are a good writer. Here are some tips you can use to encourage your children to write. Grade school, high school – age doesn’t matter; it’s never too late to develop good writing habits. A seventy-year-young gentleman I know took some writing courses and got published. You’re never too old to learn!

Tip #1 – Read to your children. Make family reading time a priority, if only once a week. It’s a great way to share quality time together. It provides opportunities for discussion. The benefits of exposure to literature are endless. It broadens perspectives and lends to a sense of adventure; this can enhance content when they write.

Tip #2 – Set a good example; let your children see you writing. Even if the only things you write are emails, letters, lesson plans, and grocery lists, you are still writing! It’s important to remember that no matter what we do in life, it is necessary to communicate.

Tip #3 – Find writing projects to do together. Writing activities in a standard curriculum are great, but sometimes they don’t spark a student’s creativity. When it comes to writing, especially for the reluctant writers, fun is the key. Engage children by finding short, interesting activities to start. Try writing a continuing story, silly poetry, or a family newspaper together. For ideas, I recommend If You’re Trying to Teach Kids to Write, You’ve Gotta Have This Book! by Marjorie Frank.

It’s worth a little time and effort now, for strengthening their writing will enhance verbal and other interpersonal skills, preparing children for a lifetime of good communication.


(Disclosure:  I received a copy of Write for Life in order to write an honest review for this Blog Tour.  This post also contains affiliate links.)

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  1. Gena,
    Thanks so much for sharing the post. I appreciate your kindness and support!

  2. Wahoo for Karen. I love the tips, amigo. The book is worth a million times its weight in diamonds and gold. It’s been a gift to our famiy. Great to cyber meet you Gena. 🙂

  3. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, it sounds really helpful

  4. Robyn,
    Thanks so much! 🙂 So glad you like it! Your support means so much. 🙂

    You are welcome! Thanks for weighing in. 🙂


  5. This book may be geared toward 7-12 grade, but I learned a lot from it. It’s a great refresher course for those of us who have been out of school for – ahem – decades. 🙂

    Congrats, Karen!

  6. Thanks for the chance to win this book. It looks like a great resource.

  7. Hi Deana, I appreciate you stopping by! If you don’t win, I hope you get a chance to check out the book. 🙂

  8. Susan, what – you are only slightly past high school! 🙂 Thanks for your support!

  9. That sounds like a great resource to have on hand for homeschooling!

  10. Teaching writing is a struggle in our homeschool. This looks like a great resource. Thanks!

  11. Laura Ann says:

    Sounds like a great resource but I’d like to urge the author to add a print version since many of us don’t use screen books with children/teens in our homeschool a however

    1. That’s a great idea, Laura Ann! Maybe she’ll be able to do that. I know that I often print out the ebooks I use for my kids. To do it cheaper, I print on draft mode, put more than one page on each printed page, etc. It’s worked well for us.

      1. Gena, that’s how I used to print things out too, in draft mode! It does save that way. The book will be out in print, hopefully early next year after Volume Two on essay writing is out. My publisher (and others too) releases the ebook first, then the print version. I do understand Laura’s point, and I feel the same way. So it will be coming soon! 🙂

  12. Megan,
    Wishing you the best with your homeschooling! Thanks so much! 🙂

  13. Laura Ann,
    It will be coming out in paperback, hopefully early next year. It will include Volume Two, which covers essay writing. I understand where you are coming from! I too, prefer print versions for homeschooling. This is how my publisher releases their books – ebooks, then print, so I have to go with the flow. Look for it in print in the not too distant future! 🙂

  14. Corey Olomon says:

    These are some great tips!

  15. Great tips (and reminders). Save the trees and keep it digital!

  16. This is awesome! I’ll have to keep this in mind for when my kids get old enough to write and share it with my sisters!

  17. Thanks for the chance!

  18. saralynns2 says:

    Your blog is so wonderful! I enjoy reading it 🙂

    Thanks for sharing this resource with all of us!

  19. Kelli Taylor says:

    My son is just starting middle school and he definitely could use my help with his writing. Thanks for the giveaway!

  20. Corey,
    Hope they are helpful! 🙂

    You bring up a good point!

    Thanks so much for passing the word along to your sister!

    You are welcome!

    I agree, Gena’s blog is wonderful! Such a great resource.

    Wishing you all the best with your son!

    Have a great weekend everyone,

  21. Thanks for this giveaway!

  22. Looks like a very helpful book. I am glad to see it is designed for all ages including homeschoolers

  23. Thanks for the chance to win this book!

  24. As a homeschooling mom of 3, this looks like a wonderful resource…especially for my 11 year old reluctant writer.

  25. I need to brush up on my research paper writing skills. Haven’t had to write a paper in 30 years.

  26. leslie roberts says:

    Looks like some real helpful tips for homeschooling, since I’m new to homeschooling

  27. Thank you for the tidbits.

  28. Dana,
    You are welcome! Happy weekend!

    Holly L.,
    I’ve had much success with writers of all ages when applying these principles. Wishing you all the best.

    You’re welcome! Hope you get a chance to read it soon.

    I’ve seen more reluctant writers come around with a friendly, gentle approach. Hang in there, the effort is worth it!

    It’s been about that long since I’ve had to turn one in too! But I helped my kids through the process, and now I teach students to do it. It’s surprising how much we forget about it, isn’t it?

    Wishing you all the best on your journey! There are so many good resources out there.

    You are welcome. Hope they are helpful!

    Happy weekend all,

  29. I do freelance writing, and this looks like a great resource to have!

  30. This looks like a wonderful resource book.

  31. Thanks for sharing these great tips and information and for the great giveaway.

  32. I would give this to my youngest brother who is still in high school. Thanks for the chance!

  33. I could use this book. Writing is not something that comes easy to me.

  34. Debra Pauley says:

    Thanks for the chance to win this book.

  35. megan tilley says:

    Thanks so much for sharing this! It looks like a great book with many great tips and would be an amazing resource to have!

  36. This sounds great. I could always use help fine tuning my writing skills.

  37. Great tips, thanks so much

  38. Tiffany T says:

    Such a great book. And refresher for me. Wit helping raise my niece alot of the learning and help with homework is coming for me and I sometimes get lost. Even when I have not been out of school that long.

  39. Krista M. says:

    Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  40. Nichol Tone says:

    This looks like an amazing resource book

  41. Looks like a fantastic resource!

  42. I’m a substitute teacher for middle school and more often than not I’m teaching English. I’d use this book as back up lesson plans in case a teacher doesn’t leave on for me. I’d love to win!

  43. Colleen Rukowicz says:

    Would love this, I need a writing touch up 😡

  44. Thank you for the opportunity to win your book. I could really use it!

  45. Michelle,
    I hadn’t initially thought about it for adults, but a writer friend pointed that out to me recently. I guess she’s s right!:)

    Hope you have a chance to read it! Thanks for commenting!:)

    Thanks so much! Appreciate your thoughts. 🙂

    You are welcome. Hope it was helpful! 🙂

    Sounds like this would be a perfect fit! You are a great big sister. 🙂

    I like to break things down into manageable steps to help guide readers through the process. It’s so much less intimidating that way. If you have a chance to read it, I hope it helps you!

    You are welcome! Thanks for commenting!

    You are very welcome! I appreciate your enthusiasm. 🙂 I also appreciate Gena sharing it with you all!

    Thank you. We’re all a work in progress, aren’t we? I’m always working on one thing or another. 🙂

    Thanks so much, and you are welcome! 🙂

    Wishing you the best with helping your niece. I know what you mean, we can all brush up on something! Thanks for commenting!

    You are welcome! Glad you came by!

    This is what I had hoped – to help those students through the process. Wish I had something like that when I was their age!

    Thank you very much!

    I hope it is helpful! Thanks so much!

    This might be a good fit for that. It’s all ready to go. Wishing you all the best!

    Have a great week,

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