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Busy for the last few weeks. . . See Pictures!

Join us for a picture journey of the past two very busy weeks!

Drama Showcase:

From the show “Honk”:

Showcase Spring 2014 018 Showcase Spring 2014 020 Showcase Spring 2014 023 Showcase Spring 2014 029

From the show “Hairspray”:

Spotlight showcase B 003


Spotlight showcase B 007  Spotlight showcase B 009 Spotlight showcase B 010 Spotlight showcase B 011 Spotlight showcase B 012  Spotlight showcase B 014

Showcase Spring 2014 004

Showcase Spring 2014 003 Showcase Spring 2014 013

My 7-year-old graduates to the bigger classes for next time. And he’ll be able to audition for the fall show: Oklahoma!

Showcase 001

Band Concert:

Band Concert

Field Trip to Recycle Center:


Field Trip to Trader Joe’s:

We had a fun field trip at Trader Joe’s.

Here we are at the demo station–yummy chocolate covered bananas!

choir Trader Joes OBaby 043

The cardboard crusher machine:


choir Trader Joes OBaby 040  choir Trader Joes OBaby 038

Inside the freezer:

choir Trader Joes OBaby 037

Did you know that Trader Joe’s employs full-time artists?  Their artwork is incredible!

choir Trader Joes OBaby 034 choir Trader Joes OBaby 033 choir Trader Joes OBaby 032 choir Trader Joes OBaby 031 choir Trader Joes OBaby 030 choir Trader Joes OBaby 029 choir Trader Joes OBaby 028 choir Trader Joes OBaby 027

And I made a lot of Robin Hood bears!  (I’ll be sharing a tutorial for these soon.)

Showcase 014

Showcase 013



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