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We finally started using ChorePacks this week–and so far, so good!  (See  I have had and have been using the book "Managers of Their Chores" for several years, but never got to the point where I actually made the ChorePacks.  I felt like I had to do it perfectly–printed on the computer, laminated, etc.  That put a block in it.  So, this weekend I just cut out some cardstock the right size and wrote out their chores in marker!  Here is what each child is assigned for their morning chores (after breakfast):

8 yo boy: Take vitamin, Put away dishes in cabinets, Handwriting, Brush teeth, Practice violin

7 yo boy:  Put dishes on counter (from dishwasher), Take vitamin, Practice violin, Brush Teeth, Handwriting

5 yo girl:  Take vitamin, Brush teeth, Clear off table, Handwriting

4 yo girl:  Take vitamin, Brush teeth, Put away silverware

I love this system.  It is so organized.  The kids wear their ChorePacks (so they’ll see what they are supposed to do next and won’t start playing) and move the card to the back when finished.  If they are unable to do a certain chore (because someone else is brushing their teeth, for example), they move it behind the next card and will see it again to know to do it.  I don’t have to keep on them anymore making sure that they have done everything.  Here’s my part, though.  I have to thoroughly train them so they know exactly how to do the chore.  And I have to inspect.  ("Don’t expect what you don’t inspect.")  To remind me to do this, I have them clip their ChorePacks onto me after they are finished.  That way I will remember to inspect the chores and know what I’m supposed to inspect!

It will also make adding more chores easier later on.  We’ll probably get some more ChorePacks for their "after lunch chores" and for "afternoon" chores.  The system also makes it very easy to add things that only have to be done once a week or once a month.  So, eventually we will be quite organized and clean around here!  (I hope!)

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