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Christmas Blessings $500 Cash Giveaway!

The Christmas season is upon us!  And while this is a joyous and festive time of the year, it can also be a time of financial stress and worry for some.

That is why I’m teaming up with 25 other bloggers to bring you a Christmas Blessings Giveaway for $500 Paypal cash!  We understand the stress of fulfilling our kids’ Christmas lists, or having an unexpected bill to pay, or even just having enough money to put gas in the car and coats on our kids.

Christmas Blessings Giveaway

We hope to lift some of that burden for one family and bless them with $500 Paypal cash to use for whatever their family needs.  Whether it’s for Christmas gifts, to pay off bills, or to save for a rainy day, we hope this giveaway will bless a family this holiday season.  And we are blessed to be a blessing as well.

You can earn a lot of entries in the Rafflecopter form below.  I know it can seem tedious and time consuming to go through all the entries, but isn’t a chance at $500 worth it?  I think it is!  Plus, if all of these generous bloggers didn’t participate, we wouldn’t have been able to have such a big prize!  So I hope you will take the time to go through each entry.  Who knows, maybe you will find some new blogs to follow.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

The giveaway will run from Monday, December 7th through Sunday, December 13th (ends at 11:59pm EST).  Winner will be notified by email shortly after the giveaway ends and will have 48 hours to respond to claim the prize or another winner will be drawn.  You must have a Paypal account to win.

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  1. Winning this giveaway would help my family tremendously because I put a lot of money towards my student loans and have very little left to afford Christmas gifts and certainly not enough money to travel to visit my family for Christmas.

  2. this would definitely help pay for my brother’s college tuition

  3. Kelly Weston says:

    Our family’s favorite thing to do with any extra income or gift we receive is to split it three ways – 1/3 goes toward our mortgage, 1/3 goes to savings, and 1/3 goes to giving, whether someone in need or an organization we feel called to support. So that’s how $500 would be a blessing to us and to someone else!

  4. I will be able to buy christmas presents for all of them 😀

  5. Elizabeth Johnson says:

    Winning the $500 would bless me and my family as we would use it all to get our family (moms dads brothers sisters and their kids) christmas gifts. My and husband are both unemployed and no unemployment benefits. No pity party because God has been taking care of us daily without us begging. Weve had opportunities to earn “money under the table” in the meantime to pay bills. Praise the Lord. If I won this it would be an extra blessing as i can extra bless other people. Thanks for the chance.

  6. Ann Cluck says:

    Winning this giveaway will make our Christmas less stressful by allowing us to purchase food and gifts.

  7. This would bless us by allowing us to replace items our friendsost when their house burnt down two weeks ago.

  8. Sandy Rees says:

    We have a large family so winning this giveaway would allow us to purchase something fun for each member of our family for Christmas.

  9. denise low says:

    Maybe a better Christmas Maybe a little extra to spend at the grocery store.

  10. Deborah W. says:

    This would bless our family and also our church. I would donate at least 20% to church and charities and then divide the rest among family members. Some are dealing with no jobs and school so it would definitely be a blessing to them.

  11. Linda Szymoniak says:

    We had a lot of medical bills this year, so money is tight. Two of my daughters moved recently moved and need a lot of things. I could get some of what they need for Christmas if I win.

  12. I would be happy to pay toward my son’s college loan as he is facing many transitions with his young family.

  13. Winning would bless my family in so many ways! It would enable me to purchase some much needed curriculum for our little homeschool and my children have been wanting to buy some toys for families who are struggling.

  14. My company told us we were not getting bonuses this winter. We normally use that money to pay property taxes. This money would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the opportunity.

  15. Winning would be a blessing to my family right now because we’re having a really hard time financially and this would go a long way in helping us. Thanks for the chance to win.

  16. I am entering this for a friend in need. I would bless her with the money. Thank you for the opportunity.

  17. We would donate this money to our church. They are in more need than we are right now. Thank you for the chance to win this blessing.

  18. With 3 kids in college and tuition due this month (whose bright idea was that?!?!?) that will help us cover Christmas with a little left over to bless another.

  19. Gena, I first want to say that this is a big blessing you will be giving someone and that blesses my heart that you are giving this! I would like to win the money but I’m praying that the Lord gives it to the one who needs it most!

  20. It would help us rebuild our savings after some events from this past year.

  21. robyn donnelly says:

    I could use this to pay bills and food.

  22. Diana Scholz says:

    This giveaway would bless my family in so many ways! I have Christmas breakfast at my house every year. This year is REALLY tight so I currently have to return some gifts in order to buy the breakfast!

  23. richelle bowers says:

    I would allow me to pay off some bills!

  24. natalie w says:

    this giveaway would bless my family because I just learned that I am being laid off from work and every penny will be important. Jesus is the reason for this season so I am that I am blessed no matter what. God bless you.

  25. This would be a blessing to our family to be able to give to other causes that are so needed especially this time of year. Thanks for the generous opportunity.

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