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Collage Friday: 3rd Birthday, Lilla Rose, 4th of July Vacation and Crafts!

I have LOTS of great photos to share with you today. But before I do, will you please take a moment and head over to Circle of Moms to vote for me. Can we make it to 100 votes this weekend? Thanks!

My youngest son turned 3 this week. He got some fun sand box toys, a butterfly net, and some counting/patterning bears that he calls “gummy bears!”

PicMonkey Collage-Z bday


We spent Fourth of July week at my in-laws’ lake house in Wisconsin.  The kids had a great time playing with cousins, eating potato salad, canoeing, etc.

PicMonkey Collage-lake vacation


We also had some time to spend crafting.  My oldest daughter did all the women’s and girls’ nails.


PicMonkey Collage- nails


A friend from church make these beautiful cookies as a fundraiser for an Oklahoma mission trip.  We hope she’ll hold a class for us so we can learn how to make them!

Fourth of July Well-Planned Day Planner 003

All the kids had a great time decorating shirts.  We did the Sharpie/ spray with rubbing alcohol method.  Here’s a tip–don’t spray too much rubbing alcohol.  It will bleed more than you think it will.  🙂

PicMonkey Collage decorating t-shirts


And hair bows!  We learned how to do this from Kleinworth and Co.  Easy and fun!


PicMonkey Collage


We had a great time on a boat ride.

PicMonkey Collage lake


3 generations, including my handsome hubby!

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The Fourth of July parade.  The second picture is of the t-shirt my niece did.  She is an artist, obviously!


PicMonkey Collage parade

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The parade we go to is on an Indian reservation.  I thought this second picture was funny–he was begging for candy to be thrown to him!


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Fourth of July Well-Planned Day Planner 026


Please go to yesterday’s post and place an order for Lilla Rose.  These will make a great present for your daughter or granddaughter (or yourself!).

PicMonkey Collage

I am exercising again, doing a T-Tapp Challenge for the next 6 weeks to see if I can lose the last 10 pounds. I want to wear the rest of my clothes and my wedding ring! I did the Basic Workout instructional yesterday and today and will do Basic Workout Tempo for the next two days. I’ll then exercise every other day, using Tempo, Step Away the Inches, or maybe something new like the Total Workout or Ladybug!

And, finally, look at what I scored this week at the Back-to-School sales.  All this for less than $12 (at Staples.)  🙂


Z Bday Lilla Rose 001

(Post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. I love all your fourth of July crafts (especially the hairbows)!

  2. The Sharpie shirts look really cool. We’ve been wanting to try those.

  3. You’ve packed a lot of fun and creativity into the past week! We’ve been doing nails around here, too at the request of my 7 year old. We are going to have make some hair bows here! Those cookies are works of art – hope you get the chance for that workshop, and maybe you can post the tips you learn here for the rest of us.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Wow your family sure knows how to have fun! I enjoyed reading your post and looking at the beautiful pictures. Thanks for linking up to our Get Fit Friday blog hop. I hope you enjoy the weekend! <3

  5. I love school supplies — gearing up for the new year is much fun.

    Your holiday on the lake in Wisconsin looks like so much fun, Gena — everyone looks so happy. I loved looking at your collages this week.

    Thank you for always linking!

  6. What fun- looks like it was a great holiday!!! So glad you made the hair accessories- they came out so cute.

    Loving the back to school supplies too. That is when I stock up for our entire year. Can’t beat $0.25 box of crayons- right??!!

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