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Collage Friday- Father Son Camp and Fall Crafts


Last weekend was my sons’ favorite weekend of the year!  The Father Son Camp.  There they experience camping in the cold (we bought some better sleeping bags this year), zipline, archery, shooting guns, and the all-time favorite Paintball!  The upper right picture is one of my eldest with an orange paintball mark on his head.  They also had great speakers this year.  The theme was integrity, and there were opportunities for the fathers to have some good talks with their sons on the topic.  The guest speaker was Ken Bevel, one of the actors in Courageous and Fireproof.


While the boys were off camping the rest of us had some fun as well.  We went to the library and picked out some movies for Friday and Saturday nights.  We also went out to breakfast with Mumsy (grandma), and the kids were very well behaved.  I took the girls to their soccer games on Saturday morning, and it was freezing!  30 degrees.  Too cold for me–so I stayed in the van with the baby and finished my crochet bag.  (See it in the collage.). I’ll share more about it tomorrow if I get a chance.  The younger kids also did some fall crafts this week.  The lower left picture is of a tree with colored leaves.  Directions on how to make it are at Sidetracked Sarah.  Also, they collected leaves and did some leaf rubbings.  The top picture says “Best Mom Ever.  I love you.”  My oldest daughter keeps putting these sweet, encouraging notes all over the house!  She’s a dear.  🙂

My sweet 4-month-old baby is now sleeping in her own bed at night.  I realized that the reason I had kept her in my bed for so long was because I’m having a hard time letting go of these last baby milestones.  It’s so sad to think that I’ll never have another newborn sleeping in my bed with me again.  So, as I explained to my husband I’m just going to have to mourn these moments as they come, but I can’t postpone them, especially at the expense of my or my baby’s well-being.  She’s slept in her bed every night since Tuesday, and has only woken up once each night to nurse (as opposed to every 1-2 hours when she was in my bed).  I’m still very tired, but another week or two of this will surely help!  It’s safer for her, too, since she now wants to roll over and sleep on her tummy.

Exercise update:  The only day I have exercised so far this week was Wednesday at the T-Tapp clinic in Milwaukee.  I was going to yesterday, but I was too sore!  However, I plan to exercise today and at least once this weekend.

What God is teaching me:  Trust.  I need to trust Him more.  I have a long way to go.

In case you missed it, I posted a review of the two newest Imagination Station books.  There is a giveaway of them, which ends Sunday.   And, I made one of these carseat canopies which I have really enjoyed using.

They also have baby carriers and nursing covers–free, just pay shipping, same code ENBABY.

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