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Collage Friday: Vacation Bible School

Last October our family started going to a small church near our home.  It has less than 100 people attending every Sunday.  We have really enjoyed going there!  There have been about 5 more homeschooling families that have started attending since we did.  The children’s/youth minister is an intern, a student at Moody Bible Institute.  He was homeschooled himself.  He and the pastor really understand and support the family-integrated model, but don’t push it to extremes.  The balance is perfect for us!  The kids stay in the service with us until the sermon.  Then, I take the preschoolers and baby to the nursery, and our elementary kids can go to Sunday School if they wish.  About 45 minutes later the Sunday School kids return for communion, offering, and final song.

Last week was Vacation Bible School.  It was attended by only my kids and one other family.  But it was a wonderful experience for our children!


VBS Collage

Six Flags and VBS 001


Six Flags and VBS 002


Recently my husband and I were walking up there stairs and looked at the wall where I have an 8×10 or 5×7  picture of each of our babies.  He said, “Where is E’s?”  I realized she is 13 months old already and I never got a professional picture taken of her!  So I found a Groupon for pictures at JC Penney.  We went on Tuesday and got some really cute pictures of her!  You can see them at this link.

Yesterday, my husband took the older 5 kids to Six Flags Great America to use their free tickets from the Read-to-Succeed program.  They won Batman capes and a basketball.

Six Flags and VBS 018

While they were there, I took the younger 3 kids to the County Fair.  We’re reading Farmer Boy right now, so it was fun to see the animals and the vegetables and jams entered into the fair!  My baby calls all animals “dogs”–actually “gogs”, and she repeated it about 1000 times while we were there!  I was going to take pictures with my phone, but it was completely out of battery.  🙁

Now, to re-cap the week’s posts.  I don’t want you to miss any of these, especially 3 great GIVEAWAYS!

Today and through the weekend, be sure to check out CurrClick’s Pay-What-You-Want Sale!  I’m sure you’ll find something great for you and your kids!


Adventures in Odyssey summer of service post #3, with a giveaway of 90 Devotions for Kids!



Our 2013-2014 Homeschooling Schedule:

Homeschool Schedule


Giveaway of Fine Art Pages, an art curriculum for your kids!

Fine Art Pages button large



Giveaway of a precious board book called My ABC of God Loves Me

ABC book giveaway


Great deal at Educents for this buildable instrument kit for only $23.

bonz band


Bloggers:  You HAVE to sign up for Educent’s All-Star Blogger Team!  Why?  Read here!  (Please put my name Gena Mayo in as a referral.  I’ll get $5–thanks!)


Post contains affiliate links.

Linked to these wonderful blogs and  Homegrown Learners  TGIF Linky Party hosted by 123Homeschool4Me   


2023 Free Book Lists graphic
Learn how to fly for free with Families Fly Free


  1. Love love love the capes that they got! Glad they got some fun at VBS even if it was not many others… Enjoy the weekend!

  2. We go to a small church as well (well – it started at about 100 members and we’ve grown to 180!) and I love that our church is our FAMILY. We couldn’t do life without them.

    Looks like Six Flags and the County Fair were great, too.

    Thanks for linking!

    1. We’re quickly feeling the same way about our little church! 🙂

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