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Collage/Journal Friday: Fun With Art!

Art Collage 1

Today our focus is on art.  We have done WAY more art this week than we usually do!  Three of the kids did a weaving project to go with our Josefina (American Girl) unit study– I’ll be sharing all about it when we finish in a few weeks.  We did watercolors of whales (a See the Light project) and of turtles (to go with a review of Tadeo Turtle which will be coming soon).

Crazy Weather:

We’ve had a couple of big snows in the last two weeks, which caused cancelation of basketball practice twice and even a dress/tech rehearsal of my oldest’s musical Aladdin.  They pulled it together in spite of it, and had a wonderful run!  See some awesome pictures and read about the show at At a Hen’s Pace.


What’s next in the theater realm?

Well, despite the fact that we had told our son, No more shows until next fall, neither his dad nor I hesitated to say yes when said he’d like to audition for the next show!  Oh, yes, we’ve caught the bug!  We even begged the next three kids to try out as well (no luck there).  So, he finished Aladdin on Sunday and auditioned for an instrument part (violin) for Godspell on Monday!  He does his song/dance audition tonight, callbacks are on Saturday, and the cast list will be posted on Sunday.  We were able to encourage the four oldest to take a dance class together (also through Spotlight), so that will be fun to see what they learn there.

In our homeschooling:

We studied shelled animals (bivalves and gastropods in science) and read about knights and medieval Spain (the Moors) in history.  My oldest started the next math book and the next two kids are almost finished with theirs as well.  I’ve been reading about Josefina (American Girl) in 1824 New Mexico to the middle kids.  Next week we’ll make some Mexican food and do some more activities for the unit study.

Ends this week:

Our last basketball games are tomorrow.  Our kids learn so much through Upward.  We’re really blessed to have it so close by.

Exercise Update:

So sad to say that I’ve gone almost a month with only one full workout!  I still have 13 days of the 60-day challenge, so I really hope I can push myself to work out at least every other day!

New with Baby:

She’s been standing a lot this week; soon she’ll be cruising around the furniture.  She’s finally getting a little bit better at eating baby food, but her favorite sustenance still comes from me.  And one night she actually slept through the night!

Funny Friday:

And I’ll leave you with this one today!  (Click through to I Choose Joy! if you don’t see it!  Have a great weekend!

(Post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. Rachel Davis says:

    Just wanted to let you know I bought T-Tapp through your link! <3 Blessings on your sweet family! (I'm the one with kids the same ages just opposite sexes, but I think the baby messed us up. I had a boy…you too? I now have G(12), G (11), B(9), B(7), G(5), B(4), B(2), and B(8mos). 🙂

    1. Your comment encouraged me to exercise today! Thanks for ordering T-Tapp through my link. I hope you enjoy it as I have.
      My kids are B,B,G,G, B,G,B,G– so almost the direct opposite of yours!

      1. Oh, and the ages are 12,11,9,7,6,4,2, and 8 months!

        1. Rachel Davis says:

          It would be so much fun to get together with our kiddos. 🙂 So it’s only our 2yos who aren’t opposites. Isn’t that funny, though?! Fun stuff.

  2. Hi Gena,
    Can’t wait to see the review. I put up a craft today called Tissue Paper Tadeo. Hope you like it. That is one big snowman. Wow. How old is the little one? My grandson turns 1 on Tuesday. He stands with support but is almost 30 pounds. Climbing up and down stairs.
    Will you send me a couple of Tadeo Pictures that your kids painted for Facebook and my blog?

    1. The little one is 8 months old. I’ll check out the craft on your blog. And send you pictures. Thanks!

  3. I’m thankful for you, linking each week and sharing your ideas. We need to do more art — you inspired me!

  4. Looks like a busy and fun week! We love AG as well…can’t wait to see your Josefina projects!
    Thanks so much for linking up at my Real Family Fun link party. I would love to have you back again next week.

  5. Those turtles are awesome! I’m looking forward to our first art curriculum. I’m looking at See the Light also. I also love the pic of your snowman!

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