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Collage/Journal Friday: The Rest of the Story

The Rest of the Story (the final chapter of the mysterious letter):

Last week I shared about the mysterious letter I received in The Plot Thickens.  Today, I’ll tell you the rest of the story.  Until 2 days ago I was still afraid to touch the envelope to check it out more fully, or even to let my husband look at it!  As it so happens, I was looking in my PayPal account for a payment that was due me.  I searched for the last couple of months and came across a payment that I had made to a particular person.  I immediately recognized the name as–you guessed it–the return address on that envelope!  It was the person who was removed from Ebay.  So, I went to the garage to see if maybe the item we ordered was in fact in the envelope.  It wasn’t.  There was just a regular envelope (not a mailer as you’d expect when you purchase something online), a blank piece of paper (not a shipping notice), and an EMPTY plastic bag.  You’d be suspicious, too, wouldn’t you?!  Well, I emailed the guy asking for a refund and received the refund today.  So, the mystery is solved!  The moral of the story–you probably won’t receive a biological weopon in the mail at your home.  🙂

My Exercise Update:

Well, I didn’t get all my workouts in, but the good news is that it’s still working!  21 days into the 60-day challenge, I’ve lost 5 pounds, almost 8 inches, and can now fit into my size 8 jeans!  I’m still hoping for 13 pounds more to lose and another size by March 20!  I love T-Tapp!

The Good News:

The last bedwetter is no longer a bedwetter.  The alarm worked!  Yeah!  (Now, there’s just my 2-year-old and baby who need diapers at night).

My 2-year-old has done awesome at potty training this week!  I’m trying not to get too excited.  I’ve done this enough times (he’s my 7th to potty train!) to know how often relapses come.  But I can’t help be hopeful!

The Bad News:

My 8-month-old baby has decided not to nap well.  I’m trying to get her back on track as it sure helps our homeschooling schedule for her to get a couple of good naps in.

Minecraft 021

What God Has Been Teaching Me this Week:

Jesus really loves children.  Jesus really loves tween girls.  Jesus really loves me.  Jesus really loves you!!!

Romans 8:38-39   For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers,  nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Hand’s On:

Are your kids crazy over Minecraft like mine?  I really don’t get it.  But I was glad that they decided to do it in “real life” this week with the free app called Paper Crafts for Minecraft.  Cute!

Minecraft Collage final

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  1. The paper craft/mine craft mashup is so cute! My kids have just barely gotten into minecraft (they just use the free iPad version), but I agree…it’s a bit of an odd game! My daughter in particular really likes paper crafts so I will have to show this to her.

  2. Thank you for sharing about the minecraft papercraft app – my daughter will love it! (And it may even keep my son happy while he’s having non-screen time for a while!)
    Lucinda (visiting via Collage Friday)

  3. I always enjoy when the kids use what we have~whether it be building toys,art supplies, instructables, games or puzzles. I enjoy seeing them work together and create.
    Love the story of the mystery envelope. How exciting even if it was just an empty letter! 🙂
    Keep up the God work.

  4. Tee-hee, I relate to the mystery and jumping to the wrong conclusion. I’m still giggling (in a “Oh, my, I’d do this too” way) over this line: “The moral of the story–you probably won’t receive a biological weapon in the mail at your home. :)”.

    I just love your blog and your pinterest page. How creative you are! Thank you for inviting me to join your homeschool ideas board–I’m learning a lot.

    in Christ, Gin

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