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Come See “Oklahoma” the Musical! (And a New Hairstyle)

We are about to enter Tech Week for the new Spotlight Youth Theater musical my kids are in:  Oklahoma!  It’s the first time it’s been performed with Spotlight, and we are so excited to be involved in it!

My oldest has a small lead this time.  He’s Ike Skidmore.  My 2nd son (not pictured) is working backstage.  The next three kids are in it as well!  My husband is working Tech.  And I’m the ticket-seller!

Please get your tickets today to see “Oklahoma” at Spotlight.  The show runs November 6-16 in Zion, IL. And credit a Mayo kid!

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It’s my 8-year-old son’s first show!  He’s the youngest of 86 kids in the cast.  The kids range from 8-18 (or just turned 19).

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Below is one of their stage moves:

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Just imagine them with their hair and make-up done–and cowboy hats!  The dancing is awesome. And the leads are so talented.  If you are in the area, you don’t want to miss it!

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On another note, my 2-year-old daughter had her first haircut this week.  Unfortunately, it was not cut by me.  It wasn’t even sanctioned by me.  Let me just say that we were having a WONDERFUL morning of homeschooling my 6 oldest kids Monday morning.  I was just thinking how nicely (and quietly) my 4-year-old and 2-year-old were playing together in the basement.  Then, she came up looking like this.  And her brother was the guilty culprit!  I cried.  Her older sisters cried.  But, now it’s kind of growing on us.  It’s funny how he left the one long piece on the right side of her head.  I’m calling it her “Kate Gosselin” hair-do.  My husband calls her the punk rocker!

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