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A couple of years ago I determined to teach myself how to crochet.  My mother-in-law got me started, but I learned most of it through books!  After I got the basics down, I took a class at Joann Fabrics.  Now, finally, I feel that I can look at any pattern and figure out how to do it!  One thing I love about crocheting is that it’s easy to do sitting on the couch watching a movie with my family, it’s portable so I can do it in the car while waiting for my son in band rehearsal, and it’s relaxing.  I have a Pinterest board for crochet if you’d like to see some cute ideas!

Here are some of my recent projects:

I made this ball for my 18-month-old for Christmas.


Here is a shawl I made for myself using some beautiful bamboo yarn I received for my birthday last year.


This was first attempt at a sweater.  It was a good learning experience, but was so huge, I gave it to Goodwill!


I loved making these cute twirly scarves as gifts this Christmas.


And an iPod cover for my oldest son.

Here is the yarn I received for my birthday this year (from ebay).  It’s 100% silk, made from sari remnants.  It’s fascinating to work with because it isn’t the same thickness all the way through–and all different colors.  I’m making a purse and will show pictures as soon as I’m done!


All of these patterns (with the exception of the ball) are from Chicks With Sticks Guide to Crochet by Nancy Queen and Mary Ellen O’Connell.  It’s my favorite crochet book!

After I finish the purse, my next project will be to make an afghan.  I’m going to make 10″ x 10″ blocks, each with a different color and pattern, then sew them all together!  We’ll see how it goes.


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