Day 3: Homeschooling Middle School by Preparing for High School with The HomeScholar
Today is the third post in my series about homeschooling middle school. I’ll be sharing about Thinking Ahead to High School While They are still in Middle School by using materials from The HomeScholar.
A couple of weeks ago I took part in a webinar by Lee Binz from The HomeScholar called “A Homeschool Parent’s Guide to High School Grades, Credits and Transcripts.” And, wow, I learned a TON!
Go here to see the webinar yourself–for FREE.
In the meantime, I’ll share a few of the things that stuck out to me the most that I’m glad to know while my kids are still in middle school.
1. All high school work should be college prep, whether or not they are planning to go to college. If they do go to college directly after high school (or change their mind and go years later), they will need to show they have taken college prep classes on their transcript. Or, if they don’t go to college, they need to have the highest level of schooling possible for their final formal class time.
2. Students can receive high school credit during middle school if they are doing a high school level (or college level) course. How do you know? The publisher (or teacher at a co-op) will tell you! Common classes taken by middle schoolers include Algebra 1, Biology, and Foreign Language.
The “A Homeschool Parent’s Guide to High School Grades, Credits and Transcripts.”webinar also gives details for how to determine whether a class should be a full or half credit, what to include on a transcript, how to assign grades, and what to do if your child is in a remedial level.
Thanks for joining me this week on our Middle School journey!
Other wonderful bloggers from the Schoolhouse Review Crew are participating in the Blog Hop this week, so be sure to check them out!
Anne Marie @ Future.Flying.Saucers ~ Christian Worldview 101
Marya @ Suncoast Momma ~ Homeschooling Special Needs
Kym @ Homeschool Coffee Break ~ Ordinary Homeschooling
Lisa @ Farm Fresh Adventures ~ Our Favorite Family Recipes
Dawn @ Double O Farms ~ Helping Your Struggling Learner
Gena @ I Choose Joy! ~ Homeschooling Middle School
Christine @ Our Homeschool Reviews ~ Free and Frugal Homeschooling
Monique @ Living Life and Learning ~ Homeschooling with Lapbooks
DaLynn @ For the Display of His Splendor ~ Diagramming the Proverbs
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