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Dear Mom Who is Hesitant about Homeschooling Middle School


Hesitant About Homeschooling Middle School


Dear Mom Who Is Hesitant about Homeschooling Middle School,

I’ve been in the homeschooling community for quite a long time, since before my first child was born.  And I’ve heard something often spoken that I’d like to address today.  Many moms say, “I’ll just take homeschooling one year at a time. And I’ll sent them to school when they get to middle school.”

I’d love to encourage you to rethink that strategy.  Homeschooling Middle School is wonderful!  You don’t want to miss out on it.  And, your kids will benefit by being homeschooled during those years.

Why do I want to encourage you to continue to homeschool during the middle school years?  Because these years are so important in the development of your child.  He will grow and change immensely during puberty–and needs his parents, more than peers or teachers who don’t love him like you do, to guide and direct him through this time.

I have 2 middle schoolers right now.  If I sent them to school, I would hardly see them, let alone have time to really talk to them.  Several nights a week they are gone from home (for theater class/rehearsal, youth group, and get-togethers with friends).  I treasure the time that I can talk to them during the day and guide them in their school-work.  They are fairly independent, but I’m here for them when they have questions about math or history!

I’m also here for them when they are struggling with other “middle school” issues.  I love that our home is a safe place.  I know that has increased their confidence when they are out in the world.


Middle school is also a time when students start to think about what they are going to do when they grow up.  If they are in school, they are forced into a cookie cutter set of classes that give little time for them to explore their own desires. For example, my oldest son spends every spare moment he has practicing guitar and singing, and listening to music.  He told me a couple of days ago that he has started writing a punk rock-opera (whatever that is!).  My second son showed me last night how he had taken several Nerf guns apart, added electrical wires and light bulbs, and created something completely new!  I am so glad they have the time to explore these interests of theirs.

What are your hesitations? Are you worried about the difficulty level of the schoolwork? The curriculum offered today makes that a non-issue.  Are you worried about dealing with middle school attitudes?  Then start working on your relationship with your child right now, so that won’t be an issue.

Please leave a comment below.  Let’s talk about the joys of homeschooling middle school and let me encourage you in your fears!

Love, Gena


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  1. thank you for sharing this, Gena – I love that I not only get the tough days with my middleschoolers, but plenty of time to enjoy the good things, the blessings, the exciting things in their journey to adulthood. It’s an adventure and I don’t want to miss out!

  2. I agree – don’t be afraid of homeschooling through the middle school years! (Or high school years either!) It’s a wonderful opportunity to forge a strong relationship with your kid(s) and hold the place that God awarded you as the most important influence in their lives. Homeschooling my teens has been a delight.

    I was 25 when I become a mom and I have four kids – the oldest is about to leave home now, and the youngest is just finishing up middle school. 🙂

  3. I first became a mom at 25. I have four children. When we headed into middle school, I was a little nervous, but I definitely felt we should homeschool through middle school- and high school. I now have two that are high schoolers. I am very thankful that they are at home! There are so many benefits to having them here at home, homeschooling.

  4. I became a mom when I was 22. I Have 2 kids now, 2 beautiful girls:)

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