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Decision Time for the Build Your Bundle Sale

The 2019 Build Your Bundle Sale is May 15-22! See the Insider Tips to Ace the 2019 Build Your Bundle Homeschool Curriculum Sale here!

It’s Decision Time for the Build Your Bundle Sale!  And the sale was extended one day–woo-hoo!

You only have until Tuesday, June 2.  This is your last chance!

And let me tell you that this is not just for homeschool parents.  There are quite a lot of products in this sale that all moms and dads would appreciate for their kids: like the Fine Arts Bundle with art, drama, and music materials you can do at home or with friends.

And it’s not just for Christian parents, there are many items that are not faith-based: like Warfare by Duct Tape, Mom’s Tool Belt, Draw Around the World, and Girls of American History set.

There are some fun items that you can use with your kids this summer: like the Mega History-Themed Coloring Book, Uncle Rick’s Stories on audio, Beethoven Who?, How Great Thou Art art curricula, and Fun With Playdough.

So, here is what I’m getting.  I’m going with the Buy 2 bundles, get 1 free deal.  I am most interested in 3 particular items:  The Picture Smart Bible in Old Testament and New Testament for all my kids to use for Bible curriculum next year.  It includes a “script” so that the teacher (or parent) knows exactly what to teach for each Bible lesson. While I’m teaching, the kids are drawing.

Draw your way through the Bible

There are full pages of the drawings that can be printed for my youngest kids just to color as well as traceable pages that many of them will use.  Those who draw the best may want to just do it free-hand.


Those two items (Picture Smart Bible O.T. and N.T.) are in the Middle School and High School bundles and retail for $49 each, whereas the entire bundles cost only $39 each!  My free bundle will be the Unit Study one because we love unit studies around here.  I know that we will do the Weather unit study by Homeschool Legacy later this summer.


That will be $39 for each of the bundles and then the free bundle! Plus, I’ll get the set of Bonuses (which you get with any purchase) which includes free items as well as many coupons.  Here are a few of the FREE items:

  • Ancient Map Trek eBook from Knowledge Quest
  • Proverbs Lego Challenge from Proverbial Homemaker
  • Joyce Herzog audios
  • Motivated Moms printable planner (I love this planner/chore list!)
  • Ebook bundle from The Old Schoolhouse
  • Family Dinner Conversation Starter Cards from My Joy-Filled Life
  • Sibling Squabbles eBook from The Character Corner
  • Hands-On Activities eBook.

I’d love to know what you’re getting — please leave a comment!



(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.)

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