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Draw Write Now set on sale

Draw Write Now is a great set for younger kids to learn to draw and practice handwriting. #drawwritenow #drawing #handwriting


Every few weeks there is a special deal at Amazon of something I’d really like for our homeschool, and that is exactly the case today with the full set of the Draw Write Now books!  I have often wanted to get these, but couldn’t justify spending the full $14.99 per book (even though they aren’t over-priced).  I even checked our library, and they don’t have them.  So, we will be getting these now!

Art, handwriting, and reading lessons come together in the perfect combination to
motivate and inspire your children. This complete set includes all 8 books in the
Draw Write Now series. Each one features 21 theme-related drawing and writing
lessons with step-by-step instructions on 64 full-color pages. The drawing
lessons have four handwriting practice sentences each, which relate to the
drawing. Additional questions prompt further discussion on topics ranging from
Native American culture and the Pilgrims to animals of the savannah.

Draw Write Now

Developed by an elementary school teacher and co-authored by
her daughter, this standards-aligned set is an excellent addition to your home or
classroom library!

Here are a couple of pages from the one book that we do have (book 6) and an example from my 4-year-old daughter! I can see how she, her 1st grade brother, and 3rd grade sister will really benefit from these books this year.

Draw Write Now 001 Draw Write Now 002 Draw Write Now 003 Draw Write Now 004

Who is Draw Write Now for?

• Kids in Kindergarten through Grade 3
• Parents, homeschool families, and teachers looking for a way to include art
instruction and reinforce handwriting and reading skills.


What is included?

• Draw Write Now, Book One (On the Farm, Kids and Critters, and Storybook
• Draw Write Now, Book Two (Christopher Columbus, Autumn Harvest,
and The Weather)
• Draw Write Now, Book Three ( Native Americans, North America, and
The Pilgrims)
• Draw Write Now, Book Four (Polar Regions, The Arctic, The Antarctic)
• Draw Write Now, Book Five (The United States, From Sea to Sea, and
Moving Forward)
• Draw Write Now, Book Six (Animals & Habitats – On the Land, Ponds &
Rivers, and Oceans)
• Draw Write Now, Book Seven (Part 1 in our Animals of the World Series
includes: Tropical Forests, Northern Forests, and Forests Down Under)
• Draw Write Now, Book Eight (Part 2 in our Animals of the World series
includes: Savannahs, Grassland Animals, and Mountains and Deserts)

*2 Bonus downloads–a workbook and companion printables for books 1-3

Why buy?

• Easy to teach: no teaching experience needed
• No preparation: the lessons are simple and ready-to-go straight from the
• Extremely affordable
• Supports three subject areas with one daily lesson
• Provides cross-curricular opportunities to tie writing and drawing lessons to
social studies and science topics



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