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“Everyday Matters Bible for Women” review


I’m so happy today to be reviewing the Everyday Matters Bible for Women.  Typically I don’t like these kind of Bibles–lately I’ve been reading the Bible on my iPad. 🙂  But I love the Everyday Matters Bible!  What’s unique about it is that it has a focus on 24 spiritual disciplines–ones I’d certainly love to incorporate into my life.

I shared yesterday how I am in survival mode once again, as I adjust to life with a newborn.  As I was flipping through this Bible, I feel that the Lord led me to the first spiritual discipline he wants me to work on:  Sabbath and Rest.  At the back of the Bible, there is a list of each of the disciplines which tells you which Scriptures to read and where to find the special articles and devotions sprinkled throughout that relate to it.  Wow, they are excellent!

One of the best articles I’ve read so far is also very convicting for me.  It’s called “Addicted to Productivity” and is associated with Psalm 127:1-2.  Susan Arico writes that, “My completed to-do list feels so gratifying that it’s easy to find my worth in what I get done instead of in God.” Oh, boy, can I relate!  We need to refuse to “idolize our productivity.”

I am going to keep this new Bible on my nightstand and work on a different discipline every few months.  First:  Sabbath and Rest!

What I don’t like about this Bible:  no maps (all Bibles should have maps!) and it’s heavy.

What I do like (in addition to what I’ve said above):  It’s a new translation for me (NLT), has an attached ribbon bookmark, and the many articles are written by Christian authors whom I respect.  I know that using this special Bible will help me grow spiritually.

 You can find the Everyday Matters Bible for Women at Barnes and Noble,, or

I received a free copy of this book/Ebook/Product to review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew.

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