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Fall Art Projects

I figured out the art projects that I’d like to do with the children this fall (through December) so that I will be prepared with the materials before-hand.  Then I will have no excuse not to get to them, right?  Our plan is to do one every Friday.  These are very easy and not too messy.



Here is the list:


Wildflower Prints  (collect wildflowers and iron them between wax paper)


Wooden Sculptures  (glue blocks of wood together and paint them)


Button Pictures (glue buttons in a design on cardboard)–see this


Paper Bag Puppets (cut construction paper and yarn, glue on paper bag)


Weaving Paper (strips of construction paper)


Bird Feeders (peanut butter with birdseed on pine cones and big pretzels, egg white and birdseed on slices of bread cut with a cookie cutter; yarn to hang from trees)


Leaf Prints  (collect leaves, glue on cardboard, paint with poster paint, press white paper on to create a print)


Nature Mobile  (collect articles of nature, attach with yarn to a hanger)


Paper Plate Spider (glue legs and head made of construction paper on a paper plate)


Nature Wreath (glue acorns and other articles of nature onto a wreath shaped piece of cardboard)


Wax Paper Leaves  (collect leaves and iron them between pieces of wax paper)


Egg Carton Caterpillar (using a paper egg carton, glue legs on, and pipe cleaner feelers)


Corn Husk Dolls (I think I’ll get a kit for this from the craft store)


Pine Cone Turkeys (construction paper feathers glued onto the turkey pine cone body)


Snowflake Decorations (cut them out of white paper)


Cinnamon Clay Decorations/ Ornaments  (have a recipe for this one)


Gingerbread Man Cookies (mix, bake, decorate and eat!)



I’ll post pictures!


Arts & Crafts on Any Budget!

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One Comment

  1. Love2BHome says:

    Hi Gena! I will look forward to your pictures of these great projects. : )

    Yes, I have 5 children, the 3 older ones are from a previous marriage…so unfortunately I cannot homeschool them. But I do ‘school’ them all summer as a supplement and it does help me to have a better peace of mind over what they may be lacking in PS. ; )

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