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Field Trip to Cantigny First Division Museum

Cantigny First Division MuseumCantigny Tanks and Military Museum 007

We had a great day at our field trip last Friday.  It had been raining all week, and started raining on our way home. But the weather was so beautiful for the hours we were at Cantigny Tank Park and First Division Museum yesterday!

We have just completed our study of World War 1, so this was a perfect enrichment for the kids.  Cantigny has lovely gardens and grounds, but we spent most of the time playing on the tanks and taking a tour of the First Division Museum.  (If you visit the website, you’ll see more pictures of the exhibits in the museum.)  All of my kids loved the climbing on the tanks.  And most thought the coolest exhibit inside the museum was the trench re-creation.

We divided in 3 groups to go through the museum.  My older boys were in a large tour group of boys.  My oldest daughter was in a tour group of girls.  And I took my 5 youngest through myself.  One of the docents gave us a neat flip-chart of photos of items to look for as we walked through–a scavenger hunt.  This was highly fun for my 9-year-old and 7-year-old; they were constantly on the look out for the next picture.  There were a couple of movies, but because they were about war I skipped those with my younger group.  The older kids really enjoyed their tour guides (both older gentlemen.)

We have another great field trip to a museum in November, as well as a few musicals to see.

Cantigny Tanks and Military Museum 009 Cantigny Tanks and Military Museum 014 Cantigny Tanks and Military Museum 016 Cantigny Tanks and Military Museum 018 Cantigny Tanks and Military Museum 024 Cantigny Tanks and Military Museum 026

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  1. Perfect to go along with your studies! Glad you had a good time.

  2. What a fun field trip! I love opportunities to explore in person things we’ve studied. Very fun!

    1. Thanks, Tina. Field trips really bring the studies to life. 🙂

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