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Field Trip to Chicago Botanic Gardens


We love going to the Chicago Botanic Gardens every year!  This time we had the kids’ grandmother, aunt, and 4 cousins join us!  Enjoy the pictures!

We did a big study of world geography this year, so it was fun to see these small gardens separated by continent.

South America:

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We love this Bonsai tree display:

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We’ll be heading to California soon, and we hope to see some of these places that were in the Model Railroad Garden.

Grauman’s Chinese Theater:

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The Hollywood sign:

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Napa Valley:

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San Francisco:

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And here is my daughter doing her “Amelia Earhart” impersonation.  She has had these goggles on for about 2 days–even in bed!  Toddlers are so silly.  🙂

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