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Hands-On Projects

This week we decided to take Spring Break. What I really would have loved to do this week was get outside and do some field trips (zoo, Botanic Garden, etc.), but the weather didn’t cooperate. Someone didn’t tell Chicago that it’s spring yet! So we took advantage of the time to do some hands-on projects we’ve been wanting to do.

The kids worked on their Ocean Boxes. We’ve been doing these all year as part of their study of Swimming Creatures (science from Apologia). They made shell creatures (snails), hermit crabs, starfish, squids, and octopuses.


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They used Crayola Model Magic for their creations. We love that stuff!

We also did another craft for our Josefina (American Girl) study and made serapes out of fleece.

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Today or tomorrow they’ll do leather stamping. My second son is also making a castle from a kit. More pictures to come on those!



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  1. Thank you so much for hosting!! You have such a lovely family, I need to catch up on what you have been doing in homeschooling. We have been on a long break. So ready to get back at it! Have a blessed Easter 🙂

    xo, Tanya

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