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Modern Art Exhibit

Art Exhibit Collage


We started back to school this week!  So far, so good.  I’m figuring out some things I’ll need to do to adjust the schedule.

We’re doing swim lessons for 6 kids, 4 days a week this week and next.  It’s my 3-year-old’s first ever swim class.  I found a swim school that I LOVE, called Foss Swim School.  If you join, tell them Gena Mayo referred you!

We also started Spotlight (now known as CYT) drama classes for the 5 oldest kids.  I woke up Monday morning with a job offer to be the Spotlight class supervisor (question-answerer, snack-seller, door-locker), so I’m now doing that!  I think it will pay for maybe one kid’s class. 🙂

Modern Art Exhibit

On Tuesday we took a short field trip to a nearby museum to see a Modern Art Exhibit.  Two of the most famous paintings you can see above (by Picasso and Chagall).  I’m not much into modern art, but I still want the kids to know a bit about it.


First Day of School Pictures 051



Be sure to see our First Day of  Homeschool Pictures and the giveaway of your choice of educational product from Flash Kids.



The 3 oldest kids have the Bible Bee competition this Saturday.  They have done an excellent Bible Study on 1 John all summer, as well as memorizing a number of Scripture passages.

My oldest son is playing tackle football this year and had his first ever scrimmage yesterday.  Praying for his safety!



(Disclosure:  This post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. Look at those faces – you have a beautiful family! May God keep on giving you a renewed strength & creativity for this school year! Thank you for hosting the link up each week.

  2. Debbie @ says:

    Thanks for hosting!

  3. What a beautiful school photo! The art museum seems like an awesome field trip. We like those types of field trips, too.

    Thanks for hostessing From House to Home blog link-up (again)!

  4. I loved learning about the first days of your homeschool year. You are very busy. I pray that God blesses you and your family this year!

    All for Him,


  5. What a fun adventurous week. I love all of the great activities you all are up too.
    Blessings, Dawn

  6. My goodness you sound busy! We are hoping to do swimming lessons this fall. My daughter is in gymnastics right now and we just want to do one thing at a time. I hope you enjoy your week!

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