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Watercolor Whales

When I was growing up I loved listening to Wayne Watson’s music, and especially his song “Watercolor Ponies.” It’s a beautiful song about looking at the paintings his kids made that were hanging on the refrigerator door. It’s to encourage us to make the most of the time we have right now while we can.  He knew that one day they would no longer be there. I just happened to hear him at a concert years later when he said that his last child just left for college. He sang this song, and it made me cry.

I have been struggling lately with feeling worn out with the “little kid” stuff, and ready for it to be past. I know I’ll miss it. But right now I’m just so tired–tired of spilled milk, potty training accidents, and crying.  So, I need these reminders. A few days ago my kids did the 3rd lesson from See the Light and it was a watercolor painting of whales. I was immediately reminded of Wayne Watson’s song! So, I’ve hung those pictures up to remind me not to wish it away–it will be gone before I know it.

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They used permanent markers around the whale.

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Another fun art lesson to try: Watercolor Circle Art

You can see on the computer screen how Jim is teaching the kids theart lesson.

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After the watercolors were dried, they added neon Crayola Twistables in the middle of the whale.  You can’t see them without the blacklight.  But with the blacklight it looks like this.  The lesson is that the whale (or big fish) wasn’t a punishment for Jonah’s disobedience, but a way of salvation for him.  They put crosses in the whale.

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  1. Hi again,

    Great project – especially how God led you to see that you need to enjoy these times – they will fade away quicker than you think. If things get rough – take a break and do something different – walk in the woods, roll in the snow or the leaves or the ground.

    Just love their artwork. I paint in watercolours. I am putting up a post tomorrow on another craft. I will link last Saturday’s craft today.


  2. Yeah, it is hard sometimes to not wish away the young years…they are tiring. My girls are 11 and 6 and I already miss the young years…even though they are close enough for me to remember how tiring they were. I hope you are able to find a happy spot of enjoying them and knowing how tiring they are.
    Thanks for linking up at my Real Family Fun link party.
    Take care,

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All About Spelling homeschool curriculum, now in color