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Field Trip to the Zoo and Much More!

We made it to the zoo earlier this week. The pictures didn’t turn out so great, but we still had fun! The best part was the dolphin show. We were in the splash zone, but didn’t get wet. 🙁

PicMonkey Collage Zoo

The dolphin show–sorry I didn’t catch them when they were up in the air.

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A tapir

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Gorillas–Aren’t they hilarious how they’re perched up high in the trees?

zoo band concert 013


Our babysitter who’s been helping me out since October only has one more week with us.  She has been doing preschool with the younger kids every morning so I could focus more on homeschooling the older kids.  Now, I’ll have to figure out how to do it all on my own again!

My eldest had his band concert last night.  He was featured with his fellow alto sax player in one of the numbers!  I was very proud of him!  Maybe I’ll figure out how to post a video here sometime.

This weekend–the last 3 performances of Godspell.  Next week, they have their Spotlight dance showcase and violin recital.  The year is winding down!


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  1. What a great week. We are in show mode here too. I love the picture of the gorillas. That looks so uncomfortable. I am sorry you will not have your babysitter soon. I am sure that was a great help.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. Is there any chance you will be able to find someone else to replace your current sitter? What a blessing to have had that help.

    I enjoyed your zoo pictures — fun!

  3. I’ll be figuring out how to do preschool and K with a middle schooler next year, so I hear ya on that challenge! Sounds like a fun week, though!

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