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Fruit of the Spirit

This morning we were awoken by a phone call at 6 a.m. (Well, that sort of woke us up–we already had 3 kids in bed with us by that time!)  It was an unknown number so my husband didn’t answer it.  When I got up I decided to check to see if there was a message bacause a "sales call" at 6 a.m. seemed a bit unusual.  There was a message.  It was from a nearby police station giving a description of a missing child (15 year old girl) who disappeared last night in our town.  What a way to begin the day.  I pray that by now she has been found.

I believe that it helped me focus better today on what is important and how blessed I am with my precious children, wonderful husband and so many material blessings–not to mention the love of my heavenly Father!

During "Bible Time" this morning we discussed the Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control.  In the car driving to my son’s violin lesson we listened to the "Music Machine–Fruit of the Spirit" CD.  This is the same as a record I used to listen to as a child.  My sister found it for me on  After  listening to the CD my sons and I chose a "fruit" that we wanted to focus on today.  I chose patience.  B chose peace and J chose self control.  I think we’ll do more on this during the week.  I have to admit I didn’t do a perfect job with patience today!

Before dinner tonight we went to Target where I bought the boys clip-on lamps for their bunk beds.  My oldest son said he wanted one so that he could read the Bible in bed.  I couldn’t argue with that!

Tonight I spoke with my husband when he was on his way to Bible Study Fellowship.  I told him that I had a good day, but only because I chose to make it good.  The name of my blog is "I choose Joy!"  Many days I really have to choose it.  And the day is truly joyful!

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  1. heartmatters says:

    My mom used to tell me "remember psalty and the have patience song," of course. Nice to know I can still buy this somewhere…


  2. castlekids says:

    We used to have that growing up! I have a cd copy of some of the songs. My kids love the patience song.. don't be in such a hurry… Their favorite is Once I had a knot in my shoe and it would not come loose….I got so mad I kicked the door and stubbed my little toe. Ohhh! If only I have learned a little bit of self control!


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